Temple David Weiger Religious School

Israel Curriculum 5782/2021-2022

Grade Clusters 5784/2023-24
Pre-K to 2 Climbing the Ladder of Tzedakah
3 to 5 The Recipe for Making a Mensch
6 to 7 Soul Traits: Values from the Inside Out
8 to 10 Translating Value-laden Words into Deeds
So What’s a Reform Jew?

Fundamental Ideas

  • Having a connection to Israel strengthens one’s Jewish identity.
  • In order to be part of Am Yisrael (The People Israel), one must understand Eretz Yisrael (The Land of Israel) and Medinat Yisrael (The (modern) State of Israel).
  • Studying Israel is an emotional, intellectual and creative pursuit.
  • The Jewish people’s connection to the land of Israel began with Abraham in 1800 BCE and has been continuous.
  • Jewish texts solidify our ongoing and deep connection to the land of Israel.
  • American Jews have a home in America and another in Israel.
  • Visiting Israel will deepen a student’s Jewish identity.
  • Being lovingly critical of Israel is the sign of an authentic relationship.
  • An individual can change the course of history.
  • Jewish holidays are the way we re-experience the history of the Jewish people.
  • When major events that affect the Jewish people occur we mark them with the creation of new observances and rituals.
Grade Clusters 2021-22 Israel
Pre-K to 2 Our Second Home
Through Hebrew phrases, crafts, music, food, and drama, our students will learn about the uniqueness of our Jewish homeland, learning about her people, places, and lifestyle from kibbutz to village to city. With a foothold in ancient Israel, students will jump forward 2000 years and celebrate the only modern Jewish country in the world. They will be imbued with far more than facts and figures; they will begin an ongoing relationship including a longing to visit. A special highlight of the year will be welcoming back our Shinshinim, 19 year old Israeli emissaries for bimonthly visits. Tzedakah will be collected throughout the year to benefit Israeli organizations about which we will learn. Our year will conclude with a school-wide celebration of Yom HaAtzmaut created by each class.
3 to 4 From Abraham & Sara to Me
Students will understand the difference between Am Yisrael which is all Jews, Eretz Yisrael which is the land of Israel and with Medinat Yisrael the modern State of Israel. Beginning with Abraham and Sara in 1800 BCE, through Hebrew, crafts, music, art, poetry and more students will trace our people in the land which God promised in Genesis through the ages via art, rituals, Hebrew even when Jews were not sovereign in the land. Then they will learn about and celebrate the miraculous story of the of founding of the modern State of Israel and focus on the people, industry, culture, values, diversity and initiatives in Israel today. A special highlight of the year will be welcoming back our Shinshinim, 19 year old Israeli emissaries for bimonthly visits. Tzedakah will be collected throughout the year to benefit Israeli organizations about which we will learn. Our year will conclude with a school-wide celebration of Yom HaAtzmaut created by each class.
5 to 7 Realities, Promises, and Challenges
Abraham and Sara were the first members of Am Yisrael and lived in Eretz Yisrael. After delving into the foundational connections to the land through the Second Temple Period and then recognizing the necessary shift to a dream and hope, students will then focus on Medinat Yisrael, the modern State of Israel. Celebrating her accomplishments, students will also wrestle with some of the challenges that she faces, recognizing that her accomplishments loom larger because of them. Ultimately, students will begin to shape their relationship to their home away from home. A special highlight of the year will be welcoming back our Shinshinim, 19 year old Israeli emissaries for bimonthly visits. Tzedakah will be collected throughout the year to benefit Israeli organizations about which we will learn. Our year will conclude with a school-wide celebration of Yom HaAtzmaut created by each class.
8 to 10 Embrace and Critique
Students will understand why learning about ancient Israel and our connection to Eretz Yisrael is key to understanding modern Israel. This will be done through multi-sensory means including art, music, film, poetry and more. As they research and connect with not just Israel but Israelis, they will engage with the challenges that she faces. A topic will be Israel in the media with its accompanying discussion of bias. They will wrestle with when loving critique crosses over into anti-Zionism and consider when Israel supporters’ motives and ultimately harmful to Medinat Yisrael and Am Yisrael en route to establishing their own relationship with Israel. A special highlight of the year will be welcoming back our Shinshinim, 19 year old Israeli emissaries for bimonthly visits. Tzedakah will be collected throughout the year to benefit Israeli organizations about which we will learn. Our year will conclude with a school-wide celebration of Yom HaAtzmaut created by each class.

All students will study Hebrew on an age appropriate level using the Mitkadem self-paced curriculum.



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