Day 2024-25 5784-85 Parasha/Special Torah Text and Link Haftarah Text and Link
Sh’mot–The Book of Exodus
Sat. 29-Mar 29 Adar P’kudei
Shabbat HaChodesh
Birkat HaChodesh Nisan
Ex. 38:21-40:38 Ezek.45:16-25
[Historic: Ezek. 45:16-46:18]
Chazak Chazak v’Nitchazek
Vayikra–The Book of Leviticus
Sat. 05-April 07 Nisan Vayikra
Lev. 1:1-5:26 Isa. 43:21-44:23
Sat. 12-April 14 Nisan Tzav
Shabbat HaGadol
Erev Pesach
Lev. 6:1-8:36 Mal. 3:4-24
Sun. 13-Apr 15 Nisan First Day of Pesach Ex. 12:21-51 Isa. 43:1-15 and
Song of Songs
Sat. 19-Apr 21 Nisan Seventh Day of Pesach Ex. 14:26-15:26 II Sam. 22:1-51 and
Song of Songs
Sat. 26-April 28 Nisan Sh’mini
Birkat HaChodesh Iyar
Lev. 9:1-11:47 II Sam. 6:1-7:17
Sat. 03-May 05 Iyar Tazria-M’tzora Lev. 12:1-15:33 II Kings. 7:3-20
Readings are from the Union for Reform Judaism and may differ from other sources

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