Day 2024-25 5784-85 Parasha/Special Torah Text and Link Haftarah Text and Link
Sh’mot–The Book of Exodus
Sat. 01-Feb 03 Sh’vat Bo Ex. 10:1-13:16 Jer. 46:13-28
Sat. 08-Feb 10 Sh’vat B’shalach
Shabbat Shirah
Ex. 13:1-17:16 Judges 4:4-5:31
Sat. 15-Feb 17 Sh’vat Yitro
Ex. 18:1-20:23 Isa. 6:1-7:6 and
Isa. 9:5-6
Sat. 22-Feb 24 Sh’vat Mishpatim
Birkat HaChodesh Adar
Ex. 21:1-24:18 Jer. 34:8-22 and
Jer. 33:25-26
Sat. 01-Mar 01 Adar T’rumah
Shabbat Sh’kalim
Rosh Chodesh Adar
Ex. 25:1-27:19 II Kings 12:5-18
[Historic: I Kings 12:1-17
[Rosh Chodesh: Isa. 66:1-24]
Sat. 08-Mar 08 Adar T’tzaveh
Shabbat Zachor
Ex. 27:20-30:10 Esth. 7:1-10 and
Esth. 8:15-17
[Historic: I Sam. 15:2-34]
Readings are from the Union for Reform Judaism and may differ from other sources

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