Special Funds Online

Fund Descriptions-ALL funds may be contributed to except for those that are listed as Restricted Funds.

Betty Harris Music Endowment Fund – Specifically for musical programming and to provide musical enrichment for the Religious School.

Building Fund – For major building repairs.

Caring Community Fund – To enable the Caring Community to provide assistance to Temple David members.

Cynthia and Gerard Faigen Endowment Fund – To be used to help individual members of Temple David.

Foundation Endowment – To be used to assure the future of Temple David.

Grounds Beautification Fund – To enhance and beautify the Temple grounds.

Holocaust Memorial Fund – To be used to support Holocaust Memorial displays within Temple David.

Library Fund – For purchasing additional books for the Temple Library.

David Linzer Endowment Fund – To provide funding for Temple David members who need assistance to attend a Temple David Kallah or other educational conference or program and to provide funding for Temple David Adult Education programming.

Murray and Selma Lowenthal Youth Endowment Fund – To provide funding for youth programming.

Memorial Fund – For capital improvements to Temple facilities and major purchases.

Sheila Moritz Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund – To provide scholarships based on need and merit to help families with religious school books and fees.

New Song Fund – For purchasing goods or services to support or improve the choir or to enhance religious services, emphasizing but not limited to musical aspects.

Deborah Pepkowitz Fund – For use by and to benefit the religious school.

Prayer Book Fund – For purchasing additional prayer books.

Pulpit Fund – For the enhancement and beautification of religious services through flowers and other pulpit decorations.

Rabbi Jason Z. Edelstein Endowment Fund – For the betterment of Temple David and its programs: supplementing the operating budget, enhancing the life of members by enriching educational and social programs, and maintaining and upgrading the physical
structure and grounds.

Rabbi’s Mitzvah Fund – For philanthropic purposes at the personal discretion of the Rabbi.

Religious Action Fund – For support of charitable, community and social action programming.

Temple David (General) Fund – For day-to-day operation of Temple David.

Tikkun Olam Fund – To increase environmental awareness at Temple David through education and improvements to the Temple’s physical plant.

Youth Group Fund – To support Youth Group programming.

Restricted Special Funds:

(These Funds are private and not available for outside contributions)

Gurrentz Experiential Fund – For support of trips by Religious School students to places of Jewish interest such as New York City.

Mervis Fund – Repository solely for annual gifts from the Lillian S. and Jack Mervis Foundation for physical improvements to the Temple.  $1,000 annual disbursement to Lynn Gurrentz to be used at her discretion on approved Temple projects.

Religious School Tzedakah – Contributions by religious school students that are donated annually to selected charitable organizations.

Tzedakah Fund – Funds accrued by donations from the Board of Trustees at monthly board meetings and donated to selected charitable organizations.

Joseph and Blanch Weiger Memorial Fund – For programming, repair, or enhancement of Temple David.

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