Added September 2022
IN-PERSON Mishpachah Mornings
For kids of all ages and their families
Saturday, September 17 at 9 a.m.
Happy 5783!
Let’s read, do a special High Holy Day craft and eat a special snack.
Please let us know you are coming!
RSVP to so that we can know
that we have enough snacks, juice, and challah!
Added July 2022
Temple David’s Membership Committee
Invites You
to Picnic & Pray with us
on Friday, July 1
Picnic at 6:30 p.m. and
Outdoor Erev Shabbat Worship at 7:30 p.m.
Monroeville Community Park West
Pavilion 3 at 2399 Tilbrook Road
RSVP by June 29 to be included in the headcount for picnic food.
Hot dog or veggie dog, chips, cookie, and bottled water will be provided.
You may also bring your own picnic food if you wish.
BYOB-feel free to bring additional beverages.
RSVPs and questions can go to Reena Goldberg,
up to and including the day of the event.
Birthday Blessings for All with Special Oneg Shabbat
Friday, July 29 at 7:30 p.m.
Have you had a birthday in the past 2.5 years? Or more than one?
Then come to this joyous service with a special birthday blessing and a special birthday-themed oneg extravaganza sponsored by Rabbi Symons.
(Postponed from June 17)
Pulpit Exchange
Saturday, July 30 at 10 a.m.
at Temple David
Sunday, July 31 at 10 a.m.
at Cross Roads Presbyterian Church
We will welcome Rev. Lindsay White and her parishioners to address us on Shabbat morning, July 30, and you are invited to join Rabbi Symons at Cross Roads (2310 Haymaker Road, Monroeville) on Sunday, July 31.
Their shared sermon topic will be: One God, Two Lenses. You are welcome to attend both and experience worship in our two sanctuaries.
Kiddush/Fellowship will follow so we can converse with one another.
Added June 2022
Saturday, June 4: Erev Shavuot
7:30 p.m. Online and In-Person Evening Worship with Yizkor
9 p.m. In-Person Tikkun Leil Shavuot Study at Temple David
Shavuot Study: Revelation: Sensory Load or Sensory Overload
In-Person on Saturday June 4 at 9 p.m.
Based on a teaching by Rabbi Cheryl Peretz,
Associate Dean, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
As we think about the moments at Mount Sinai, our tradition tells us that the people heard that which is usually seen and saw that which is usually heard.
In this session, we will examine the multi-sensory experience of receiving Torah as told through our tradition.
10 p.m. In-Person Tikkun Leil Shavuot Study at the JCC
A Night of Jewish Learning
In-Person on Saturday June 4 from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.
JCC Squirrel Hill
5738 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh (Darlington Entrance)
Free and open to the community.
Join your Pittsburgh community back IN-PERSON
for a night of learning with well-known local rabbis and thinkers.
Vaccinations required. (honor system, no check-in)
No registration necessary.
Yes! Cheesecake will be served!
See complete schedule at
Sunday, June 5: Shavuot Morning
10 a.m. Online and In-Person Morning Worship with Confirmation
Visit for the links
Mazal Tov to Our 2022/5782 Confirmands
Andrew Ryan Bright,
son of Jason and Wendy Bright, grandson of Eugene and Michele Rosen
Gabrielle Jayne Keough,
daughter of Ryan and Arin Keough
Malka Rose Rubin,
daughter of Samuel and Michele Rubin
Samuel Evan Sloan,
son of Lee and Robin Sloan, grandson of James and Maxine Sloan
Following in Moses’s footsteps as he climbed Mt. Sinai, our students are prepared to receive the Torah and be Confirmed. They bring their Jewish pride, knowledge, experience, and friendship. It was my honor to be their teacher and I look forward to my continued relationship with each student.
Mazal Tov to you and to your families!
Rabbi Barbara AB Symons
My name is Jakob Williams, and my Bar Mitzvah is on June 11.
Over the past year I have been volunteering for an organization called the Pittsburgh Rhinos.
I have chosen this organization as my mitzvah project.
The Pittsburgh Rhinos are a blind hockey team that has been helping blind athletes with a passion for hockey since 2016. The organization strives to provide their youngsters with the necessary skills, resources, and equipment.
As any family that has a child in sports knows, equipment is costly. We are asking for donations of gently used equipment, we will have a box available in the lobby of temple for donated equipment .
if you would like to learn more about this organization, visit
Jakob Williams
Birthday Blessings for All with Special Oneg Shabbat
Friday, June 17 at 7:30 p.m.
Have you had a birthday in the past 2.5 years? Or more than one?
Then come to this joyous service with a special birthday blessing and a special birthday-themed oneg extravaganza sponsored by Rabbi Symons.
IN-PERSON Mishpachah Mornings
(formerly Tot Shabbat)
Saturday, June 18 at 9 a.m.
Planting Flowers at Temple
Families with kids of all ages, come join us!
Please let us know you are coming!
RSVP to so that we can know
that we have enough snacks, juice, and challah!
Temple David’s Membership Committee
Invites You
to Picnic & Pray with us
on Friday, July 1
Picnic at 6:30 p.m. and
Outdoor Erev Shabbat Worship at 7:30 p.m.
Monroeville Community Park West
Pavilion 3 at 2399 Tilbrook Road
RSVP by June 29 to be included in the headcount for picnic food.
Hot dog or veggie dog, chips, cookie, and bottled water will be provided.
You may also bring your own picnic food if you wish.
BYOB-feel free to bring additional beverages.
RSVPs and questions can go to Reena Goldberg,
up to and including the day of the event.
Added May 2022
IN-PERSON Mishpachah Mornings
Saturday, May 7 at 9 a.m.
Tot Shabbat has rebranded ourselves!
We are now Mishpachah Mornings!
This program is geared toward our youngest children
up through elementary school.
Please Join Us on May 7 for
Shavuot: Thou Shalt
What are commandments?
How many are there?
How can they be delicious?
These and more questions will be answered
followed by homemade challah and juice
and a special Shavuot snack.
Please let us know you are coming!
RSVP to so that we can know
that we have enough snacks, juice, and challah!
Bat Mitzvah of Rosalie Moltz
Bar Mitzvah of Henry Moltz
Children of
Simon and Deborah Moltz
Saturday, May 21 at 10 a.m.
at Temple David
Unveiling for Roslyn Schwartz, z’’l

Sunday, May 29 at 10 a.m.
Temple Sinai Memorial Park
(7740 Saltsburg Road, Plum)
Brunch at Temple David at 11 a.m.
If possible, please let the family know if you will be able to attend the brunch.
RSVP: Saralee Todd 202-286-3387 or
Thank You
Added April 2022
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month at Temple David
Volunteer Appreciation Shabbat
Friday, April 8 at 7:30 p.m.
We are so thankful for our members who serve on the board, work on a committee, help with events and projects, perform repairs, set up, clean up, make food, and basically get things done at Temple David.
We invite all of our volunteers to join us for a Volunteer Appreciation Shabbat Service and Oneg on Friday, April 8 at 7:30 p.m. If you can be there in person, we would love to honor our volunteers with parts in the service. Let me know if you would like a Hebrew or English part by contacting me at or 412-480-1420.
We hope to see you then, so we can thank you in person for your contributions to Temple David!
IN-PERSON Mishpachah Mornings
(formerly Tot Shabbat)
Saturday, April 9 at 9 a.m.
From Pharoah to Freedom
With a Chametz vs. Matzah Taste Test!
Please let us know you are coming!
RSVP to so that we can know
that we have enough snacks, juice, and challah!
Led by Rabbi Symons with Music led by Andrea Guthrey
With Students from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 2
Online and In-Person
Added March 2022
Learning Service
In-Person and On Zoom
Friday, March 4 at 7:30 p.m.
Are you sitting at a service and wondering about that prayer or song or movement?
Alternatively, are you not sitting at a service because you are not comfortable not knowing about that prayer or song or movement?
Then this service is for you!
All questions are welcome.
IN-PERSON Mishpachah Mornings
Saturday, March 12 at 9 a.m.
Tot Shabbat has rebranded ourselves!
We are now Mishpachah Mornings!
This program is geared toward our youngest children
up through elementary school.
Please join us on March 12 for
Shushan Shenanigans
Adar Art Activities, Shushan Stories,
Megillah Munchies, Grogger Goings-on!
RSVP to so that we can know
that we have enough snacks, juice, and challah!
To attend virtually:
Added February 2022
IN-PERSON Mishpachah Mornings
Saturday, February 12 at 9 a.m.
Tot Shabbat has rebranded ourselves!
We are now Mishpachah Mornings!
This program is geared toward our youngest children
up through elementary school.
Please join us on February 12 for
All Things Israel
Music, dance, crafts, books, and, of course, a taste test!
RSVP to so that we can know
that we have enough snacks, juice, and challah!
Added January 2022
Learning Services
In-Person and On Zoom
Saturday, January 8 at 10 a.m.
Are you sitting at a service and wondering about that prayer or song or movement?
Alternatively, are you not sitting at a service because you are not comfortable not knowing about that prayer or song or movement?
Then these services are for you!
All questions are welcome.
The Erev Shabbat Learning Service will be on Friday, March 4.
Monday, January 17
(begins Sunday evening)
Celebrate Tu BiSh’vat!
Lean More Here:
IN-PERSON Mishpachah Mornings
Saturday, January 22 at 9 a.m.
Tot Shabbat has rebranded ourselves!
We are now Mishpachah Mornings!
This program is geared toward our youngest children
up through elementary school.
Please join us on January 22 for
The Forest and the Trees
It might feel like winter, but it is time to celebrate the birthday of the trees!
We’ll do a craft, say our blessings and enjoy homemade challah, juice,
and a special Tu BiSh’vat snack.
RSVP to so that we can know
that we have enough snacks, juice, and challah!
Healing Service
In-Person and On Zoom
Sunday, January 30 at 4 p.m.
With Rabbi Symons and Andrea Guthrey
Whether you are simply feeling isolated or hurting from an illness or loss, please join us in-person or online for an interactive time of prayer, silence, music and poetry.
If you feel comfortable being in-person (socially distanced and masked) please do consider coming to the Temple.
Added December 2021
Blessed Are Those Who Come! “Welcome”
Temple David Invites You
to Join Us at the
Erev Shabbat Service
on the Sixth Night of Chanukah
as We Greet our
New and Returning Members for 2021
Friday, December 3 at 7:30 p.m.
You are encouraged to join us following the service
to meet other members of the Temple David Family!
IN-PERSON Mishpachah Mornings
Saturday, December 18 at 9 a.m.
Tot Shabbat has rebranded ourselves!
We are now Mishpachah Mornings!
This program is geared toward our youngest children
up through elementary school.
Please join us on December 18 for
Light and Darkness
As we approach the darkest day of the year,
we will explore light and darkness through crafts and stories.
RSVP to so that we can know
that we have enough snacks, juice, and challah!
Added November 2021
Temple David’s First Annual Chanukah Games
All ages will participate in a variety of fun activities and challenges
throughout the holiday to get points and win prizes!
Get Ready!
RSVP by November 19 to Rachael Farber at
to be added to a team.
Get Set!
Chanukah Challenges throughout the holiday
Get points for your team from home using the list we provide.
Games, Games, Games
Sunday, December 5 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Our teams will participate in exciting activities.
Non-team members are invited to cheer them on!
Closing Ceremonies and Chanukkyiah Lighting
Sunday, December 5 from 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
We invite the entire community to gather in the temple parking lot
or join us on Zoom at for Chanukkiah lighting.
Prizes for Chanukah Game participants and treats for all will be distributed!
Sisterhood Chanukah Gift Shoppe
Sundays 9-11 a.m.—November 7, 14, and 21
Sisterhood will be hosting a small Chanukah Gift Shoppe to include candles, gelt, dreidels, and some miscellaneous items.
If you have a request or large order let us know and we will see if we can help!
Robin Sloan (
Come Light Your Chanukkiyot with Us!
Sun., Nov. 28 through Sun., Dec. 5: 5:45 p.m. on Zoom
Please join us for the eight nights of Chanukah. Families of Temple David will be lighting our chanikkiyiot every night beginning Sunday, November 28 at 5:45 p.m.
The Zoom links will be available at
Click Here
to download the Chanukah candle blessings, latke recipe, dreidel rules, songs, and videos
Shabbat and Chanukah Services
Friday, December 3 and Saturday, December 4
What do you do when it’s Shabbat AND Chanukah?
Join us at Temple David for a festive celebration of course!
Erev Shabbat Chanukah Service on Friday, December 3 at 7:30 p.m.
BYOC Bring Your Own Chanukkyiah (Chanukah Menorah)
We will light them together in the sanctuary
and invite in-person participants
to share personal stories about their Chanukkiyot.
You can also arrive early to Roll Your Own…Candles, that is!
Come at 7 p.m. and roll your own candles.
Shabbat Morning Chanukah Service on Saturday, December 4 at 10 a.m.
You are invited to wear an ugly Chanukah sweater,
bring an individually packaged treat to share afterwards,
and request your favorite Chanukah song as our closing song
(Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel?, Light One Candle?, Maoz Tzur?,
O Chanukah?, Ocho Kandelikas?).
All attendees will receive some gelt (chocolate, that is) from Rabbi Symons.
Celebrate Shabbat and Chanukah with our community
in-person, or on Zoom via
Sisterhood Chanukah Raffle
Sisterhood is excited about our new Chanukah Raffle!
We have a lot of nice Chanukah items to give away in three baskets!
Beautiful platters, serving dishes, candy dishes,
decorative spreaders, and cute Chanukkiyot!
Please get your tickets here:
Heroes + Oil + Gelt = Chanukah!
Let’s tell stories, sing, do a project and more!
We will stay masked and socially-distanced
but enjoy one another’s company!
All Shabbat snacks will be individually packaged.
so that we can know that we have enough
snacks, juice, and challah!
Added October 2021
Let’s figure out how we can love our neighbors
through stories, activities, and songs.
We will stay masked and socially-distanced
but enjoy one another’s company!
All Shabbat snacks will be individually packaged.
so that we can know that we have enough
snacks, juice, and challah!
Added September 2021
Scavenger Hut–not “Hunt” but “Hut”!
Actually, three of them!
Join us for special activities in each of our three sukkot:
on the bimah, outside in back, and outside in front.
so that we can know that we have enough
Sukkot snacks, juice, and challah!
Added August 2021
A new year celebration with stories,
a project, activities, and special snacks
plus a homemade challah, of course.
Please join us!
Please e-mail
to let us know that you will be attending
Selichot: Entering the High Holy Days Together
Saturday, August 28
- 6:30 p.m. Family Program*
- 7:00 p.m. Dessert
- 7:30 p.m. Selichot Service (also on Zoom)
The Selichot program is open to all but will focus on families with children: take a step into the New Year by visiting different stations that invite you into the prayers, music, and traditions of the High Holy Days, and top it all off with dessert!
Prior to Rosh HaShanah, Rabbi Daniel Fellman and/or Rabbi Keren Gorban of Temple Sinai, and Rabbi Barbara Symons of Temple David will conduct the annual Service of Remembrance.
It is a special time to honor and remember those of our loved ones who are no longer with us. All are welcome. Chairs and a tent will be provided.
Temple David Members may purchase cemetery plots at Temple Sinai Memorial Park at Temple Sinai Member Prices. Please contact Temple Sinai for details and pricing (412 421-9715).
Added July 2021
Please bring your own beverages and chairs.
Thank you to the following Temple committees for providing setup and food:
Ritual Practices, Brotherhood, Sisterhood, and Membership.
Please RSVP by June 28
to be included in the headcount for picnic food.
The meal will include a sandwich, sides, and dessert,
individually-portioned and served safely.
You may also bring your own picnic food if you wish.
RSVPs and questions can go to Reena Goldberg,
up to and including the day of the event: or 412-480-1420
* The service will be simulcast on Zoom
Let’s get back into Temple with a scavenger hunt!
We’ll check it all out together!
And we’ll have homemade challah
and juice and a special snack.
Please join us!
Please e-mail
to let us know that you will be attending
Confirmation at Temple David is a celebration of Jewish education and commitment. It was important to the classes of both 5780 and 5781 for Confirmation to be in-person so rather than celebrate on Shavuot, we will be celebrating during Shabbat morning services on July 31 at 10 a.m. in-person and online.
Mazal Tov to the families and teachers of:
Rebecca Gerse, daughter of David and Debra Gerse;
Joshua Goldberg, son of Rick and Reena Goldberg;
Elijah Sloan, son of Darrin and Kara Sloan, grandson of James and Maxine Sloan;
Isaac Sloan, son of Lee and Robin Sloan, grandson of James and Maxine Sloan.
Added June 2021
In honor of Pride Month, we will welcome back Jeff Freedman, a Temple David alumnus and member of the 1976 Confirmation Class.
Growing up Jewish was not easy in Upper St. Clair, but it became a bit better when the Freedman clan moved to Monroeville in 1974. It was here where Jeff learned a bit more about his Jewish identity but as a struggling gay teenager was a bit reluctant to fully embrace the experience.
Fast-forward to four decades of service to the LGBTQ Community and Jeff is ready to share his fabulous Gay Jewish life.
Jeff is a past Pride Day Chair and is the Co-Creator of QBurgh which is Pittsburgh’s Premiere LGBTQ news resource.
Come help us beautify Temple by planting flowers
under the green thumb of Miranda Nixon.
We will decorate special cookies and have homemade challah.
Please join us!
Please e-mail
to let us know that you will be attending
Please bring your own beverages and chairs.
Please wear masks and observe social distancing
when not with your household.
Thank you to the following Temple committees for providing setup and food:
Ritual Practices, Brotherhood, Sisterhood, and Membership.
Please RSVP by June 28
to be included in the headcount for picnic food.
The meal will include a sandwich, sides, and dessert,
individually-portioned and served safely.
You may also bring your own picnic food if you wish.
RSVPs and questions can go to Reena Goldberg,
up to and including the day of the event: or 412-480-1420
* The service will be simulcast on Zoom
Published May 2021
Saturday. May 1
9 a.m. Torah Study
10 a.m. Morning Worship
We will be In-Person and On Zoom!
Come to Temple David
or visit for the link
Published April 2021
(Passover repeated in Announcements)
Online Yom HaShoah Service
Wednesday, April 7 at 7 p.m. at on Zoom
Join us on Wednesday, April 7 at 7 p.m. for a student-led service for Yom HaShoah.
The 8-10th graders have been studying the Holocaust this year and most recently reading the book My Real Name is Hanna by Tara Lynn Masih. They have chosen the theme “Finding light in the darkness” and are planning a service around candle-lighting and figurative light in the dark.
Join us as we remember the 6 million.
Annual City-Wide Yom HaShoah Program

Thursday, April 8 at 11 a.m.
Please click here to Register:
The first major program under the auspices of the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh, established in 1980, was a Yom HaShoah commemoration. Throughout its 40 year history, the Center has held the commemoration every year thereafter, making it the cornerstone our yearly programming. In keeping with our 2020-21 program theme of “40 Years of the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh,” this year’s commemoration will include photographs and mementos of the many commemorations the Center has held over the past 40 years.
Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, is set aside to remember the approximately six-million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. In Israel, it is a national memorial day.
Yom HaShoah was inaugurated in 1959, anchored in a law signed by then Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and Israeli President Yitzhak Ben-Zvi. It is held on the 27th of the Jewish month of Nisan.
The 2021 Yom HaShoah program is underwritten by Agnes Rocher and Family,
in memory of her husband George.
Yom HaZikaron
Israel’s Memorial Day for the Fallen
Online on Tuesday, April 13 at 8 p.m.
Join the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh for our moving virtual Yom HaZikaron ceremony where we will honor soldiers who gave their lives to defend the State of Israel and victims of terror.
Published March 2021
Details for online services will be posted at
If you are able, please bring:
- Two candles (or however many you usually light) and matches
- The Symbolic foods or creative replacements: Roasted egg (spring); roasted shank bone (paschal offering); parsley (spring); bitter herbs (hardship); charoset (bricks and mortar); salt water (tears)
- A new symbol that represents your experience now
- A glass, wine/grape juice
- An Elijah’s Cup or any empty cup/glass
- Matzah
- A pitcher or cup with water, a bowl, a hand towel
- Your favorite family Passover story
Join Us at
Dinner will be served (by you) during a break.
You can either sign off of Zoom or stay on and chat with others.
Healing Service
Led by Rabbi Symons and Andrea Guthrey
Sunday, March 7 at 4 p.m.
Please join us for this powerful time of introspection and connection through music, poetry, prayer, and silence.
Whether you come for yourself, as you pray for a loved one, as a recent mourner, or as someone seeking a spiritual service, please join us for this moving time together.
In-person in the Temple Parking Lot
and Online at
Weiger Religious School Grades Pre-K through Second Grade cordially invite you to a Socially Distanced Havdalah service in the Temple David parking lot on March 20 at 7 p.m.
We are undertaking a project to provide spices to local food pantries. We would love your support! A box will be outside Temple David March 15-20 for spices to be dropped off. Any new, unopened, containers of spices are welcome!
Please e-mail Jessica Raithel at if you have any questions or if you would like to give a financial donation for others to shop for spices on your behalf.
Published February 2021
NEW! Weekly Online Havdalah
January 30 thru March 20 on Zoom
See Times Below
Join Us at
Join our Temple David community for a very brief Havdalah service on Zoom. Havdalah means separation and is the ritual that ends Shabbat, separating it from the start of the new week.
Optionally, get a cup of wine or grape juice, some sweet smelling spices such as cloves or cinnamon, and a multi-wick braided candle (or 2 regular candles held together), and join us on Zoom at the times listed below.
- January 30 and February 6: on Zoom at 6 p.m.
- February 13 through March 13: on Zoom at 7 p.m.
- March 20: on Zoom and in the temple parking lot at 7 p.m.
(in conjunction with Tot Shabbat with Grades Pre-K through 2)
You can download a copy of the Havdalah blessings here
Would you like to be a Havdalah leader?
Contact Stan Beck by text (412) 491-0313, or e-mail
Celebrate Purim with Temple David!
Thursday, February 25 at 7 p.m. on Zoom
The link will be available at
- Megillah Reading
- Virtual Sing-a-Long (you can still sign up by February 1)
- Meet the Shushanites who work behind the scenes in the palace
including: the royal chef, the stable boy/girl, the chief historian,
the gallows designer, and more.
Virtual Purim Sing-A-Long
We’re creating a virtual sing-a-long for Purim this year, and we’re inviting everyone to join in: adults, children, members, friends, relatives, guests, individuals, groups. We’ll most likely be at home watching and singing, but Zoom doesn’t support group singing, so we’re putting together a Brady Bunch-style grid video, and we need your help.
This is a group sing with everyone singing the melody–there are no harmony parts to learn. No pressure for perfect, in-tune, singing. Mistakes are no problem. It’ll sound great when all the videos are combined, just like when we sing together in person.
We have detailed instructions for how to record your video at home. Use the song sheet to sing along with the audio guide. Submit your video, and we’ll combine them to show on Purim at the Zoom service. Then everyone can sing at home together with the video. Wear a costume for a virtual Purim party!
The combined performance will be shown after the Megillah reading on the evening of February 25, so we’d like your videos by February 1 to allow plenty of time for Stan to combine them. Click on the links for instructions, the song sheet, and the prerecorded audio guide. After you’ve recorded your video, upload it using the link. All of the links will be on the Temple David At-Home page for the full month of January.
Thank you for your participation! Call or text me if you have any questions or need help. Remember, it’s easy. No harmony parts to learn–just sing the melody along with the recording of Stan and his family. Kay Liss says, “If I can do it, so can you. It’s easy, and fun.”
Stan Beck,
Chair-Ritual Practices Committee
412-491-0313 or
Download the instructions:
Download the song sheet:
Download the audio guide-track:
Upload your completed video
Published January 2021
Online Tu BiSh’vat Seder
Wednesday, January 27 (15 Sh’vat)
at 6:30 p.m.
Please have:
- A fruit whose pit is not edible (e.g., a peach)
- A fruit or nut whose peel/skin is not edible (e.g., a banana or nut)
- A fruit which is fully edible (e.g., a seedless grape)
- A fruit whose pit and peel/skin is not edible (e.g., an avocado)
- White grape juice and purple grape juice
- Something made with a grain
All blessings and readings will be screen-shared
Join Us at
Published December 2020
The Great Chanukah Giveaway 2020
Are you ready for Chanukah?
Temple David is providing free Chanukah supplies
to help you prepare for the holiday!
Stop by Temple David for candles, gelt, dreidels,
and a Chanukah blessings sheet.
The giveaways will be set up outside of Temple’s front doors
for safe, no-contact pickup on the following dates:
Sunday, November 29: from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Wednesday, December 2: from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Sunday, December 6: from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
These Chanukah essentials
are being provided free of charge to Temple members
by our Brotherhood, Membership Committee,
Ritual Practices Committee, and Sisterhood.
You will also be able to borrow a Chanukah book from the Temple library!
Books will be displayed near the giveaways.
Nightly Online Chanukah Candle Lighting
Thursday, December 10
through Thursday, December 17
at 5:45 p.m.
Please join the Temple David Community
during Chanukah at 5:45 p.m. for a brief (10-15 minute)
nightly candle lighting gathering on Zoom.
The links will be available at
Click to download the Chanukah candle blessings
Click to download the Chanukah song sheet
Do you have a mezuzah that is not on a doorpost?
Do you have a doorpost that is seeking a mezuzah?
Do you want to celebrate with others?
Please join us for Havdalah
and Mezuzah Hanging
Saturday, December 19 at 5:30 p.m.
On Zoom at
What you will need:
For Havdalah (optional):
- Braided candle
- Matches
- Spices
- A cup of wine or grape juice
For Mezuzah Hanging:
- Mezuzah
- Claf*
- A small amount of plastic wrap to protect the scroll
- The means to hang the mezuzah
A Havdalah Set or a Mezuzah are great Chanukah gift ideas!
- If you will be nailing it in: you will need appropriately-sized nails and a hammer
- If you will be using double-sided thick tape or Velcro®, cut it to size
- Even if a mezuzah has holes for nails, you can still choose tape or Velcro®
- If you have a steel door you can use a magnetic mezuzah
*A claf is the kosher hand-written parchment that has the Sh’ma and V’ahavta inscribed on it.
If the expense of a kosher parchment provides challenges, you can purchase a non-kosher scroll which means that it is photocopied onto paper.
All Judaica stores online sell mezuzot and clafim.
Or you could even make them yourselves!
Published November 2020
Temple David Online Kristallnacht Observance
Monday, November 9 from 6:45-7 p.m.
Join us on Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, as we mark when Jewish lives in Germany were shattered, a portend of what was to come for all of European Jewry.
The link will be available at
City-Wide Online Kristallnacht Commemoration
An Irrepressible Woman:
A Discussion of the Holocaust in France
Tuesday, November 10 at 7 p.m.
Registration Required:
In commemoration of the 82nd anniversary of Kristallnacht, the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh is partnering with Film Pittsburgh to offer this program. Join us as we come together for a program about the French film An Irrepressible Woman, and the larger themes of the Holocaust in France. Speakers will include:
- Kathryn Spitz Cohan, who will discuss the film An Irrepressible Woman and the themes found therein;
- Jim Lucot, 2020-2021 Holocaust Educator of the Year, who will discuss the history of Kristallnacht;
- Dr. Lauren Apter Bairnsfather, who will moderate and discuss the history of the Holocaust in France, sharing valuable research being done by local historian David Rosenberg;
- Ed Friedman, who will discuss his collection of French artifacts on long-term loan to the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh.
- Attendees are welcome to stay for a talkback after the panel.
We are pleased to be able to offer a free screening of An Irrepressible Woman to all registrants. The ticket price has been subsidized by funding from the Edgar Snyder Kristallnacht Commemoration Fund. Viewing the film is not required to attend this event.
Those who have registered for the event will receive a link to watch the film on November 9 or 10..While this program is free of charge, we appreciate your support.
Click here to donate to Film Pittsburgh
Click here to donate to the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh
is generously supported by Edgar Snyder.
Monroeville Interfaith Ministerium
Online Thanksgiving Gathering
Monday, November 23 at 7 p.m. via Zoom
The Monroeville Interfaith Ministerium invites you to celebrate Thanksgiving as together we “enter” one another’s sacred spaces virtually to hear prayers of thanksgiving, listen to an interfaith choir, and have an opportunity to talk with our neighbors of all faiths.
Visit for the link
Published August 2020
Kabbalat Shabbat Blessings at 6:15 p.m.
Please join us if you would like to enjoy dinner before the service. We have reserved a larger pavilion this year to enable social distancing. If you wish to bring chairs, it will allow for even more space by spreading out onto the grass.
Erev Shabbat Worship at 7 p.m.
Our service will be led by Rabbi Symons and Song Leader Andrea Guthrey.
You may also join the service on Zoom at
For more information please contact Stan Beck at
Published July 2020
The link will be available at
Published May 2020
Online Erev Shavuot
Thursday, May 28
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship
9: p.m. Tikkun Leil Shavuot Study (see below)
Online Shavuot Morning
Online Friday, May 29
10 a.m. Morning Worship with Yizkor
Visit for the links
Please note: as of this writing,
Confirmation has been postponed to a later date.
Mazal Tov to Our 2020/5780 Confirmands
Isabel Antonina Bakaturski,
Daughter of Melissa Cooper and David Bakaturski
Isaac Raymond Sloan,
Son of Lee and Robin Sloan,
Grandson of James and Maxine Sloan
Following in Moses’s footsteps as he climbed Mt. Sinai, our students are prepared to receive the Torah and be Confirmed. They bring their Jewish pride, knowledge, experience, and friendship. It was my honor to be their teacher and I look forward to my continued relationship with each student.
Mazal Tov to you and to your families!
Rabbi Barbara AB Symons
Published April 2020
Details for online services will be posted
Tuesday, April 7
Bedikat Chametz—the Search for Chametz
Wednesday, April 8—First Evening
Fast of the First Born
Seders at home
Thursday, April 9—First Day
10 a.m. Morning Worship
Friday, April 10—Shabbat in Pesach
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship
Tuesday, April 14—Seventh Evening
7 p.m. Evening Worship
Wednesday, April 15—Seventh Day
10 a.m. Morning Worship with Yizkor
Passover Resources from the Union for Reform Judaism
The URJ has a lot of information on Passover:
- Customs, Rituals, and a Seder Preparation Checklist
- Songs, Stories, and Family Activities
- 45 Recipes (from brisket to vegan)
- Videos (incl. How to Make Matzah Balls)
Online Yom HaShoah Service
Led by Rabbi Symons
Sunday, April 19 at 10 a.m. at Temple David
In this year of continued anti-Semitism and hatred,
we come together to remember, to honor, and to resist
Please visit for the link
Please note:
the City-Wide Commemoration scheduled for April 20 has been canceled.
Please visit for up-to-date information to learn how to participate from home
Online Healing Service
Sunday, April 19 at 4 p.m.
Led by Rabbi Symons and Carol and Tom Congedo
Prayer, music and poetry will lead us through a service of healing. Whether you come for yourself, as you pray for a loved one, as a recent mourner or as someone seeking a spiritual service, please join us for this moving time together.
Visit for the link
Published March 2020
Enjoy a quick meal before the Megillah Reading and Shpiel!
Please respond by Friday, March 6 to Stan Beck at
to help determine the amount of the food required.
Those rousing words open Shushan Confidential, an original production celebrating the spirit of Purim authored by Temple David’s song-parodist extraordinaire, Fred Bortz. A lively group of shpielers will enthrall you with their performance immediately following the Megillah Reading on March 9. Come to discover the back stories that answer questions you never knew you had: Who was Vashti’s divorce attorney? Was Haman’s twin sister cheated out of a win in the King’s beauty pageant? Why were Bigthan and Teresh so angry that they plotted to kill the King?
Set as a TV Talk Show hosted by Eubie the Eunuch and including commercials with jingles from Shushan’s finest businesses, the shpiel will introduce you to the everyday “Persian-alities” behind the Purim story.
Lunches without the Rabbi
There is no agenda. These monthly lunches are simply a lovely way to gather together, share a good meal, meet new Temple David members and connect with friends, even if it is your lunch break.
Please join us.
Please call Bev at 412-372-1200 to let her know that you will attend.
Lunches will be canceled if we do not have any attendees
by Noon the previous day.
Published February 2020
Please bring a dish to share.
Please follow our food guidelines: no pork, no shellfish,
and meat and dairy may not be combined in the same dish.
RSVP to Reena Goldberg at
by February 26 with the number of people
and the type of food item you are bringing.
All are welcome!