Beck Abrams,
Chair, Religious/Social Action
(412) 260-6243 or
Contact Beck to Volunteer with Us!
Do you want to get involved on the Social Action Committee?
We are always looking for volunteers!
Added August 2022
Social Action Project Captains Needed!
The fall and winter are busy times for Social Action projects at Temple David. I am looking for congregants to volunteer as a project captain for our social action projects. Please consider taking on one of these project captain roles to help facilitate projects serving our community:
High Holy Days
JFCS Food Pantry Bag Captain—a volunteer is needed to pick up High Holy Day food baskets that the Rabbi provides to families in need. These baskets are located in Squirrel Hill at 828 Hazelwood Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15217. The baskets are loaded into your vehicle and then you bring them to the Temple office to Beverly and Rabbi Symons.
Sukkot Fresh Produce Delivery Captain—a volunteer is needed to deliver the fresh produce collected during the Sukkot Produce Collection to Cross Roads Food Pantry in Monroeville. The donated fruits and vegetables need to be loaded into your vehicle and delivered to Cross Roads Food Pantry at 2310 Haymaker Road, Monroeville, PA 15146 in coordination with Peg and Tim who manage the food pantry.
Thanksgiving Lunch for the Police Department Captain—a volunteer is needed to coordinate the bakers, pick up the ordered lunch at Giant Eagle and to deliver the lunch to the Police Department on Thanksgiving. Beck Abrams will order the food at Giant Eagle. This is a great project for a family to show their appreciation to the police department who protects our Temple David community.
Mitzvah Day
Mitzvah Day Co-Project Captains—two volunteers or a family to assist with coordinating and leading the Temple David Mitzvah Day project on Wednesday, December 25. This is a great opportunity for a family to help choose and lead a project for our congregation in partnership with the Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh’s Mitzvah Day.
For more information and to get involved please contact Beck Abrams at or by calling 412-260-6243.
We will still have our High Holy Day Food Drive, cook dinner for the fire fighters at Christmas, and we will be planning other social action and social justice projects throughout the year! Please participate and volunteer as you are able!
Thank you for considering these opportunities to support our community!
Added June 2022
Thank You!
Dear Temple David Friends,
Thanks so much for your very thoughtful donation of soups and can openers to our Food Pantry. We sure do appreciate the many ways you support all of our Monroeville clients and their families.
The Cross Roads Food Pantry Board
Added April 2022
Ways to Support those affected in Ukraine
Temple David members have asked how to best help those fleeing the war in the Ukraine. To assist those who are being displaced, in need of supplies, medical support, and mental health services, here is a listing of agencies that have established funds to help people and the agencies serving them:
Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh–Ukraine Relief Fund. 100% of funding will support affected communities. Federation’s primary partners on the ground—the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and World ORT—have swiftly shifted into emergency mode and are working around the clock to provide uninterrupted humanitarian aid to Jews in need and standing at the ready to respond as new needs emerge.
CARE–CARE is raising money for its Ukraine Crisis Fund, which will provide immediate aid including food, water, hygiene kits, support services and direct cash assistance. The humanitarian organization says it will prioritize women and girls, families, and the elderly.
Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontieres–DWB has halted their normal assistance in the Ukraine to prepare for a range of scenarios, including providing surgical care, emergency medicine and mental health support for displaced people.
HIAS Crisis Response–HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) Crisis Response funding will support refugees and displaced persons in Ukraine.
International Committee of the Red Cross–This Switzerland-based organization is aiming to help people affected by the conflict and support the work of the Ukrainian Red Cross.
International Medical Corps–The Ukraine team is deploying mobile medical teams to provide emergency and primary health services, mental health and psychosocial services, and COVID-19 awareness and prevention services for people who have been displaced.
Save the Children–Save the Children, based in London, helps to deliver lifesaving aid to vulnerable children in Ukraine and around the world.
UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)–The international organization aims to provide emergency assistance to families in Ukraine—providing aid such as cash assistance and opportunities for resettlement in the U.S.
UNICEF–supports health, nutrition, HIV prevention, education, safe drinking water, sanitation and protection for children and families caught in the conflict in Ukraine.
You may want to support the Ukrainian population in the Pittsburgh area. Here are five organizations and places of worship that are working on efforts from Pittsburgh, as listed in the JFCS Pittsburgh Newsletter:
St. Peter and St. Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Carnegie) is partnering with Nataliya European Food Market (Squirrel Hill) to collect new clothes and non-perishable food items for Ukraine! Please donate NEW clothing items of all sizes and non-perishable food items. The church will be helping with sorting and storing items, and the food market will be shipping the items and making sure they get to people in Ukraine. Contact Fr. John Charest with questions at 847-910-7120 or
Rankin Croatian Home is collecting items to send to Poland for the Ukrainian refugees. Items needed include basic hygiene products (soap, tissues, toothpaste, toothbrushes, feminine products, deodorant, etc.), phone chargers, paper products (plates, napkins, plastic utensils), tea and coffee, diapers, blankets, raincoats, and dry pet food. Items can be dropped off in one of the collection boxes at the club or you can make a cash donation to help pay for shipping. Contact to learn more
Ukrainian Technological Society of Pittsburgh, in conjunction with the Ukrainian Cultural and Humanitarian Institute (UCHI) and Fourth Wave, Pittsburgh Branch, compiled a list of organizations which are providing aid to Ukraine. Donations to the Ukrainian Technological Society in Pittsburgh will be given to United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, Inc., Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Philadelphia, and Revived Soldiers Ukraine. Learn more at
St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church (South Side) is collecting monetary donations and humanitarian aid for the Ukrainian army and civilians. Suggested items to donate include medical supplies (like pain relievers, first aid tourniquets, hemostatic bandages, bandage rolls, patches), cereals, iron mugs, headlamps, dark hats, thermal underwear, socks, dark gloves, cots, and large lanterns. Drop off items at the church on Saturdays from 4-7 p.m. and Sundays from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. If you have any questions, please reach out to Lesya Jurgovsky at 412-944-4333 or
JFCS Pittsburgh Resettlement–To support JFCS resettlement work, donate at
Thank you for however you support those affected in Ukraine by this war.
Added February 2022
Mitzvah Day Magic!
Thanks to the amazing support of our congregants and local community, Temple David’s Mitzvah Day project donated over one hundred “No Time to Pack” bags for families during their stay at the Ronald McDonald House.
It was wonderful to be together with thirty-seven volunteers to participate in an in-person project as part of Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh’s Mitzvah Day. The “No Time to Pack” bags included toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, and mesh sponges. Each bag was packed with care and handmade tags were tied on to welcome the families to RMDH.
We are grateful to all who donated products, created handmade tags, came to pack the bags, and helped to deliver them to RMDH.
Added January 2022
First Responder Holiday Meal Gratitude
A special thank you to all of our congregants who cooked and baked for police officers and fire fighters this holiday season! While they were protecting our communities on Thanksgiving and Christmas, you helped make their holiday shifts brighter!
Tikkun Olam in Times of COVID!
When Temple David and our surrounding communities were faced with struggles from the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic, we banded together to provide much needed support to our neighbors. Whether it was virtually or together with social distancing, our congregation answered the call time and time again.
Thank you to each member of the congregation who
- Helped bring food to those facing food insecurity
- Donated socks for homeless individuals
- Helped to register voters
- Donated medical equipment, toiletries, time, and dollars to support our many Tzedakah Projects
- Baked and cooked delicious food for our first responders
- Made calls and sent e-mails to our legislators through the Social Justice Committee
This is not an all-encompassing list, just the highlights of our G’milut Chasadim!
In our communities’ time of need, we were there for them. We were there for each other. I am grateful for each, and every minute given to our social action and social justice projects. I look forward to more in person social action projects in 2022.
I hope you will join us as we perform more mitzvot!
With gratitude,
Beck Abrams,
Chair, Religious/Social Action or 412-260-6243
Added December 2021
Join Temple David’s Social Action Committee!
Are you looking to get more involved helping those in need in our community? I invite you to join the Social Action Committee at Temple David!
What we do:
- Food drives and collection drives for organizations
- Social Action Shabbat with a speaker and/or project
- Support our first responders with holiday meals
- Participate in Social Justice activities with RAC-PA to advocate for our community through the leadership of the Social Justice committee led by Kay Liss
- Community service at non-profit organizations when help is needed
Contact Beck Abrams to learn more about getting involved! There will be opportunities for families with young children and individuals throughout the year! You can help with one project, lead a social action project for the congregation, or join the committee to help guide our efforts!
Thank You for Donating Medical Equipment!
Thank you to all who donated durable medical equipment in our most recent collection drive! The donations were delivered to Global Links and will be put to great use by those who need the equipment.
We were also able to upgrade our wheelchair at Temple David through the generosity of Marilyn Hersch! Thank you so much, Marilyn!
Beck Abrams,
Chair, Religious/Social Action or 412-260-6243
Added November 2021
Dear Rabbi Symons and Members of Temple David,
Thank you for blessing us in honor of Yom Kippur and Sukkot. We are happy to be that conduit that enables us all to reach out to those in our community who continue to struggle financially. Relationships have been built and we truly feel God’s presence in our work.
We have also been blessed to have been able to continue this ministry throughout this pandemic, not having missed a Friday to reach out to those in need.
Thank you for your continued support.
Blessings to all of you.
Peg Sinback
Director, Cross Roads Food Pantry
Added October 2021
Thank you to everyone who participated in the High Holy Day and Sukkot food drive efforts this year! It was great to see all of the donations for Cross Roads Food Pantry.
You can support our neighbors in need throughout the year by mailing a check or gift card to:
Cross Roads Food Pantry
2310 Haymaker Road
Monroeville, PA 15146
Or donate online at:
(Select the Food Pantry from the menu)
Added September 2021
Join us for our annual contribution to the Cross Roads Presbyterian Church Food Pantry. It is the largest one-day donation they receive. The pantry helps over 1,000 local families annually.
Grocery bags will be available as you leave Temple on Erev Rosh HaShanah, Monday, September 6.
Filled bags will be collected on Yom Kippur morning, Thursday, September 16.
Those not attending in-person services may drop off on Tuesday, September 14 or Wednesday, September 15 (9 a.m.-2 p.m.).
Once again Temple David will be sponsoring our annual Sukkot fresh fruit and vegetable drive.
Please bring your produce on the evening of Monday, September 20, or the morning of Tuesday, September 21 and place it near the indoor sukkah on the bimah.
The participants of Cross Roads Food Pantry are grateful for the additional fresh produce to supplement the healthy foods they receive throughout the year.
Please download lists of most-needed items here, as well as details to make monetary donations in lieu of food:
Please contact Beck Abrams at (412) 260-6243 or
if you need any additional information on either Food Drive.
JoAnn Lippock, Chair, Religious/Social Action
412-824-4944 or
Deb Scheib, co-Chair, Religious/Social Action
412-973-4769 or
Published July 2021
Hello Our Temple David Family!
Summer is finally here, and we hope that you are enjoying the warmth and the lessened restrictions on Covid! Deb, Beck, and I have made a few changes for our annual High Holy Days Food Drive to accommodate those who will come in person and those who will prefer to attend Zoom services:
Brown bags will be available as you leave the temple on Erev Rosh HaShanah on Monday evening, September 6, for those of you attending in-person. The bags can be returned on Yom Kippur morning Wednesday, September 16. For those of you who will attend Zoom services, we ask that you bring your filled bags to the temple foyer on Monday, September 14 or Tuesday, September 15. Since there will be no perishables, that should not be a problem. Those of you who would prefer to donate either a check or gift card, please send them directly to the Food Pantry. The address is:
Cross Roads Food Pantry
2310 Haymaker Road
Monroeville, PA 15146
Please make a notation stating that you are part of Temple David’s congregation!
The Sukkot Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Collection will take place on Erev Sukkot, Monday, September 20. and the First Day of Sukkot, Tuesday morning, September 21. Donations may be left by the sukkah on the bimah. A committee member will take them to the Food Pantry after the service on Tuesday. Again, checks and gift cards may be sent directly to the Food Pantry.
The lists of items suggested will be included in the August bulletin.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at some of the upcoming events, and either on Zoom or in-person for services!
Have a beautiful, safe summer! You will be hearing from the new chair of Religious/Social Action starting next month. Her name is Rebecca Abrams and, take it from us, she is fantastic! Thank you all for your support–you are wonderful, every one of you, and we have loved working with you on Temple David’s behalf!
Published June 2021
Hello Our Temple David Family!
Summer is trying very hard to make itself seen and felt! We will soon be able to join each other in the warm sunshine for some activities that we haven’t been able to share in a very long time!
Deb and I would like to thank everyone who, so generously donated gifts for the children who were moved from the southern border to Erie. Your generosity knows no bounds. The number of items donated was AMAZING—when I’m at a loss for words, you can just imagine the enormous number of welcoming toys and gifts that greeted them when they arrived.
Gateway Back Packs for kids/summer nutrition program is now up and running. Items needed are: cereals, fruit cups, applesauce, soup, ravioli, canned pasta, ramen noodles, high protein bars (3 grams or higher of protein), cheese crackers, peanut butter (creamy, no nuts), crackers, apple butter, pudding, fruit chews, juice pouches or Hugs, pretzels, chips, Goldfish, popcorn, granola protein bars (2 grams or less of protein), hot chocolate mix, bottled water, and other appropriate snack items.
Children of all ages will be using this program so, if you can find pop top cans for any items, they would be easier for younger children to open than using a can opener!
Drop off points would be at the Garden City Methodist Church, 500 Laurel Drive, Monroeville or at Temple David (and we will deliver to the church).
This has been a challenging but…such a rewarding year. We’ve missed our friends, families, and our temple so much. However, we are so proud of our congregation and all that we, as a sacred family, have accomplished. Thank each and every one of you for your support of social action. We’re so proud to be a part of Temple David.
“There is always light, if only we are brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.”
–Amanda Gorman, The Hill We Climb
Published May 2021
Hello Our Temple David Family!
Another month has passed and Spring is here! Warmth, sunshine, and greenery—so lovely!
It has been a quiet month for Social Action so this short “hello” will be more of a keeping in touch moment.
Thank you to all who have made donations to the Jewish Family & Community Services Immigration Program! I understand Temple David, as usual , has been generous.
As always, we are interested in your thoughts and ideas for new projects.
JoAnn Lippock, Chair, Religious/Social Action
412-824-4944 or
Deb Scheib, co-Chair, Religious/Social Action
412-973-4769 or
Published April 2021
Hello Our Temple David Family!
One more month is over and Spring is here! Warmth, sunshine, and greenery—so lovely!
The end of February brought Deb and me to Temple to collect the Soup Drive bounty and deliver it all to Cross Roads Food Pantry. We were thrilled to see the huge amount of different kinds of soups as well as the monetary donations to be taken to them. Peg and Tim, who run the site, were delighted and very thankful. Thank you to Linda Jones for thinking of this heart, soul, and stomach warming project…and thank you to our amazing congregation. Your generosity is always inspiring!
Friday, March 12 brought Religious Action and Social Justice Shabbat forward. Taking the HIAS (Hebrew Immigration Aid Society} lead, and joining with 300 other congregations, the theme this year was Welcome the Stranger—Immigrants In Our Community. Abby Jo Krobot, Case Manager for Jewish Family and Community Services, led us through the entire process from the time people enter the country until all that is needed has been accomplished. The scope of this program is huge, wide, and varied. It leaves nothing out. Background checks are done, physical and mental health issues, education, housing, employment, and so much more are also addressed. The details and accomplishments of this program are ongoing. This remarkable program integrates men, women, and children into a new country in all ways possible. Abby Jo did a wonderful job of guiding us through this system.
I asked what we, as citizens, could do to help. Abby Jo gave me the names of four stores that they use constantly and gift cards are greatly appreciated: Dollar Tree, Walmart, Aldi, and Cricket Wireless. Monetary donations are also welcome and may be sent to:
JF&CS, Refugee and Immigration Services
5743 Bartlett Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
You may also send your donations to Temple David and I will get everything to Abby Jo.
A huge thank you to Rabbi Symons for researching and finding beautiful and relevant readings used throughout our Shabbat service, and to Carol and Tom Congedo for providing prayer tunes from other countries and performing them so well!
A thank you, also, goes out to Marsha and Randy Boswell for giving us another of their fantastic virtual cooking demonstrations—making a new sweet that is Sephardic—different from our Ashkenazi recipes that we are more used to eating. We are such a talented congregation!!
That’s it for this month! Stay safe and well.
Published March 2021
Hello Our Temple David Family!
Let me tell you about our exciting HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) Social Action/Social Justice Shabbat! On Friday, March 12, at 7:30 p.m., we will host a presentation entitled Welcoming the Stranger: Refugees in Our Community.
We’re so pleased to have Abby Jo Krobot, a refugee case worker at Jewish Family and Community Services Immigration Services, lead the program and Question and Answer portion during the Oneg. Abby Jo is a graduate of Bay Path University in Massachusetts and has served two years in AmeriCorps as a Refugee Aide at Jewish Family Services of Western Massachusetts and of Washtenaw County, Michigan. Upon speaking with her, I was taken with her passion for her work in diversity and celebrating people’s differences!
I know that you will enjoy the program. We will have a Virtual Oneg and a Q & A session while we enjoy our treats.
Now, for the icing on the virtual cakes!
On March 8 at 6 p.m. you are invited into Marsha and Randy Boswell’s virtual kitchen to make two Sephardic and American desserts as we focus on immigration and refugees on Social Action/Social Justice Shabbat!
Gather the ingredients then clink on the link at:
Ingredients for Walnut Macaroons
1 large egg
6 oz. finely ground walnuts (~ 1.5 cups)
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/4 cup sugar
parchment paper
Ingredients for Pistachio Fluff
1 box pistachio pudding
16 oz. vanilla yogurt (plain or French)
20 oz. can crushed pineapple in juice
8-9 oz. container defrosted Cool Whip®
Optional: 1/4 cup slivered almonds or pistachios
Remember to save some for our Oneg!
Until then—and after—stay safe, well, and warm!
Published February 2021
Hello Our Temple David Family!
Another month has gone by and now we have hope that, because of the vaccine, we will be together for the High Holy Days this coming year!
November and December are always busy for Religious Action. The Thanksgiving “thank you lunch” was delivered to the Monroeville Police Department with many, heartfelt, thank yous from the staff and officers. I have to admit that, because of the pandemic, I was a little concerned about asking our cooks and bakers to participate in the Firefighters’ Holiday Dinner. However, before I could pick up my phone, I received calls from these amazing people wanting to know what they could do and when! A million thanks to Mary Bendorf, Carol Gordon, Jeffrey Holst, Deb Scheib, Gail Schmitt, and Elaine Wolfe. We cooked and baked and everything was taken to the firehouse on December 24. Please check Temple David’s Facebook page to see the pictures! They were delighted—and so were we!
An article written by a Food Bank volunteer came across my Facebook page and I thought I’d share it. There were items that I’d not given much thought to so here they are:
Boxed Milk (great for cereal, which they get lots of), Canned Food with pop tops (for kids who have to eat when there are no adults at home), Cooking Oil, Salt, Pepper, Other Spices; Flour, Sugar, Butter, Margarine, Eggs; Dishwashing Detergent, and Feminine Hygiene Products
We are not collecting as we did (in the temple coat room). If people feel that they would like to donate, this committee will make a plan to meet in temple parking lot on a certain day each week and take donations to the food bank. The food insecurity problem has become horrendous so, whatever we, as a community, can do to help, will be so appreciated. Please do not just drop off perishable items at the temple!
Now, on to Religious Action/Social Justice Shabbat. The new date is March 12. We are still waiting for confirmation regarding our speaker and we’ll send out all of the information as soon as we can.
Deb and I send our love and wishes that you and your loved ones stay safe and well. We miss all of you. As always, please feel free to call or email us with any questions, suggestions, etc.
Published January 2021
Hello Our Temple David Family!
We hope that you’ve had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Chanukah! David and I have become so grateful for Zoom! We got to see faces and talk and laugh—We hope that you all did, too.
This is a busy time of year for Religious Action. We took the Thank You Thanksgiving Lunch to our Monroeville Police Department—they were so very grateful as they are every year. We are now getting ready for the annual Firefighter’s Holiday Dinner—this has become a tradition over the years and the men and women wait happily for the brisket and trimmings! We will take it all over to them on December 24.
This year, Mitzvah Days will be December 21-25. All of the projects will be done virtually and there is a full list of sites on the Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh website.
Visit and you will find the list of sites, the programs that they are offering, and you will be able to register. If you run into a problem, please call me and I’ll help you register.
February brings a new venture…Mattanot la-Evyonim Soup Collection for Purim. Recently Linda Jones came up with an idea of doing something for Mattanot la-Evyonim. She brought her idea to the Religious Action Committee. Mattanot la-Evyonim is the mitzvah of giving food to the needy on Purim. The mitzvah is found in Chapter 9 of The Book of Esther, verses 20-22:
And Mordecai wrote these things, and sent letters unto all the Jews that were in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus, both nigh and far, to enjoin them that they should keep the fourteenth day of the month Adar, and the fifteenth day of the same, yearly, the days wherein the Jews had rest from their enemies, and the month which was turned unto them from sorrow to gladness, and from mourning into a good day; that they should make them days of feasting and gladness, and of sending portions one to another (Mishloach Manot), and gifts to the poor (Mattanot la-Evyonim). [Jewish Publication Society, 1917]
Linda came up with the idea of cans of soup to warm many bodies and souls. The cans of soup will go to the Cross Roads Food Pantry.
Please use this form with your check:
We have moved the date for Religious-Social Action/Social Justice Shabbat to March 12, 2021. There will be more information coming soon.
Deb, Kay, and I want to wish our beautiful Temple David family a happy, healthy, safe 2021. We look forward to seeing you on Zoom until we’re together, in person, once again.
Please feel free to call one of us with any questions, thoughts and ideas or problems with registering for Mitzvah Days!
Published December 2020
Hello Our Temple David Family!
We are hoping that all is well with you and all of your families.
To begin, I’d like to thank Deb Scheib for taking the lead in our Day of Remembrance Project. Over 300, personally written, “thank you” notes were delivered to Essential Workers in local Personal Care facilities. They were so well received and appreciated. This was a large project and, as usual, Deb handled it all beautifully! Many, many thanks, also, go to the “scribes” and delivery people—they, too, were essential workers who helped to make this endeavor a huge success!
The “Thank You Thanksgiving Lunch” for the Monroeville Police Department was taken to their facilities for the officers and staff to enjoy. It was, as usual, ordered from Giant Eagle and delivered to them on Tuesday, November 24.
By the time you read this article, Deb and I will have spoken to cooks and bakers regarding the Firefighters’ Holiday Dinner. We provide brisket, vegetables, sweet and mashed potatoes, strawberry applesauce, home-made bread, and dessert. I can tell you now—desserts are always needed! They’ve asked, if possible, that we bring it over on December 24 so that those who are working on the actual holiday get first “pickings!” Makes sense! We will make arrangements to meet those who are taking part in the food donations in the Temple David parking lot on that day at a designated time or, if that’s not possible, on a day that works for them to collect their food.
We currently have few details from the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh regarding Mitzvah Days, which will include online and live opportunities, spread over the week of December 21-25. I’m sure that we will hear more shortly and we’ll get all of the info to you as soon as we have it.
If you have any thoughts, ideas questions, etc., please don’t hesitate to contact either Deb or myself. We, always, look forward to hearing from you.
See You on Zoom!
Published November 2020
Hello Our Temple David Family!
We must begin with a huge thank you to all of you. Your generosity for both the High Holy Day food drive and the Sukkot fresh fruit and produce food drive was so very appreciated. Your hearts were as beautiful as always! Deb and I, along with the Cross Roads Food Pantry, are so happy with your response. Everything is more difficult in these times, but, as usual, you came through with the needed help!
Religious/Social Action will again be providing the Thank You Thanksgiving lunch for the Monroeville Police Department. We can handle that through Giant Eagle with trays. We are also in the process of configuring the Firefighters’ Holiday Dinner. We will be in touch with the committee members who have been cooking and baking for this event to see how we can make this happen. If anyone else would like to participate, please let one of us know and we can include you in a Zoom meeting. I will be in touch with our previous amazing people within the next few weeks to set up a meeting
Dear Rabbi Symons and Members of Temple David,
Thank you for once again for sharing with our food pantry the Joy and Giving of your holidays of Yom Kippur and Sukkot. The harvest of apples was also greatly appreciated by our clients.
This year has been so challenging for all of us during the pandemic. Faith and flexibility will get us through.
Blessings to all of you,
Peg Sinback
Director, Cross Roads Food Pantry
Published October 2020
L’Shanah Tovah!!! Happy, Happy New Year to all of our Temple David Family. Deb, Kay, and I wish all of you HEALTH, PEACE, and LOVE in this new year and all of those to follow!
Religious/Social Action has been, is, and always will be committed to making life better for those in need. HUNGER, during this pandemic, is running rampant. We can—and will—seek to help those people who are facing this. Our “drop off” food drives were one way to help. Deb and I are looking into other ways to help to ease some of the suffering so…stay tuned!
We do not have any information on Mitzvah Day this year but, we are looking at it to be done virtually. We’ll get information to you as soon as it’s in our hands!
Published September and October 2020
Civic Engagement
The Civic Engagement Committee is busy putting together various activities to get Temple David on the list of 100% Voting Congregations. Every Voice, Every Vote, and Every Week. Yes, that is the title of RAC/PA program for getting out the vote on November 3. Look for us in many different ways as we work together to get you all the necessary information so you can cast your VOTE.
If you have questions, please ask anyone on the committee: Fred Bortz, Marsha Boswell, Randy Boswell, Linda Jones, Kay Liss (Chair), and Elaine Wolfe
Everyone in PA May Now Vote by Mail
No Reasons are Necessary
Sign up to vote by mail for the November General Election Now!
Sign up to vote by mail for the November 3 General Election Now!
The ballots will be available as follows:
Allegheny County (End of September)
Westmoreland County (Beginning of September)
If you’re planning to vote by mail,
please send your ballot in well before the deadline
to ensure that your vote will be counted.
Published August 2020
Hello Our Temple David Family,
The High Holy Days will be here before we know it, and, this year’s Food Donations will have to be done very differently. However they are done, this is, especially in these times, still so necessary. FOOD DROP OFF will be on Thursday, September 24 at Cross Roads Presbyterian Church, 2310 Haymaker Road, Monroeville, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., weather permitting. There will be carts by the food pantry door which is in the rear of the church. If it is raining, they will have people there to unload. Another EXCELLENT choice is to send either grocery gift cards or checks right to the church at the address above. Checks should be made out to Cross Roads Food Pantry. Please, whether you send gifts cards or a check, let them know that you are part of the Temple David. Any amount would be greatly appreciated, and, remember, with checks, they can get more for a dollar than we can.
Sukkot Drop Off will be on Thursday, October 1, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. More information on this donation will be in the September issue of TD Now!.
Obviously, all of this could change because of the Pandemic. Stay tuned!
Religious Social Action has now aligned ourselves with Social Justice at this important and troubled time. We are concentrating on Systemic Racism and are presenting a program on Sunday, August 9 at 7:30 p.m.; please see below.
On July 15, we joined the RAC-PA Civic Engagement Kickoff on Zoom. The Social Justice group will have to decide how Temple David will be involved. Forty Reform congregations with 12,000+ families will be working to get all our congregants registered, maybe work on voter suppression, ensure our college students are registered to vote, and/or get our congregants to vote by mail. There are plenty of things to get involved with! If you would like to join us for the Civic Engagement, please contact Kay Liss.
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” —Anne Frank
Published July 2020
Hello Our Temple David Family,
Well, here we are still Zooming to be together, but, how fortunate we are to have this tool!
Religious Action and Social Justice are very much alive and well—talking about the possible new projects we can take part in when COVID 19 abates and we can put “possibles” into reality.
We are ready to start talking to the Food Pantries. If ever there was a time to help people living with food insecurity-it is now. We will figure out how the High Holy Day donations will happen this year and will give you more information in the August issue of TD Now!.
Rabbi Symons, Kay Liss, Deb, and I are looking at different ways to become more active in today’s world. And, once again, when we determine how we can be useful…you’ll hear from us immediately. We so want to be able to help our community come together.
I read a short piece that resonated with me and would like to share:
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”—Leo Buscaglia
These words seem to have a special meaning these days. Deb, Kay and I love the work that we do and are so very grateful for the support that you, our Temple family, show us. Thank you.
Stay well…we’ll be in touch,
Published May-July 2020
Local Food Organizations Need Our Help

During this time of social distancing, there is much need for your help for those impacted by food insecurity:
NEW! – Meals for Friends
A local meals on wheels program serving Wilkins, Churchill, Forest Hills, and parts of Penn Hills, needs volunteer meal preparers and delivery drivers.
Please contact them at 412 824 2400 or
Cross Roads Presbyterian Church Food Pantry
2310 Haymaker Rd, Monroeville
Online Donations:
Garden City United Methodist Food Pantry
500 Laurel Dr, Monroeville
Items may be set at either set of doors of church
For more information, contact Pastor Scott Gallagher 724-255-7858
Please call in case items have changed
Items needed as of this writing:
- Mac & Cheese
- Spaghetti Sauce
- 1 lb. boxes of noodles
- White Rice
- Baking goods
- Snacks like granola bars, etc.
- Toilet Paper
- Personal supplies (toothpaste, deodorant, shampoos, etc.)
PitCare Food Pantry
520 Broadway Boulevard, Pitcairn
Online donations:
Or, items may be dropped off Monday between 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. and Thursday between 10 a.m. & 12 p.m.
For more information, contact Heather Liumes 412-337-8266
Please call in case items or drop-off days/times have changed
Items needed as of this writing:
- Cereal
- Applesauce
- Pasta and sauce
- Toilet paper
- Canned fruit & vegetables
Monroeville (East Suburban) Meals on Wheels
Drivers are needed!
Contact Bob Seidelson 412-856-0311
Published March 2020
Thank You!
Thank you to the family and friends of Harry and Jodie White-Schmidley, and members of Temple David who helped make the replacement blood drive successful.
Thank you to the White and Grossberger families for signing up future bone marrow donors for the Be the Match program. There was a total of 43 donors registered and 36 units of blood collected. These units and blood products will help 100 patients.
Ann Cohen
In Appreciation
On Sunday January 12, I went to Temple David to perform a mitzvah--donating blood in support of a fellow Temple member Harry Schmidley. However, after donating, I felt dizzy and was taken to the hospital. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the nurses and the Temple members who took care of me. I would also like to thank my Temple David family and friends for an overwhelming outpouring of concern and well wishes. While I was embarrassed, their kindness reaffirmed my belief that we have the best family.
Again, thank you so much,
Lana Rolnik
Religious Action News
Hello My Temple David Family.
Just a few notes this month: Gateway Backpacks for Kids is going beautifully! When I put things in the boxes, I noticed that some of you are already two steps ahead of me! We, the Religious Action Committee, have been concerned that what Gateway has requested for donations, could and should have more healthy items on the list. We are asking for you, when you are shopping, to check for protein and other nutritional values in the foods being bought. It’s lovely for us to provide goodies, but, we should also look at nutrition. Peanut butter, Chef Boyardee ravioli with meat and spaghetti with franks or meatballs have protein value. I saw those items already in there and knew that we were on the right track!
Passover is in early April and the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry will be looking for items to be distributed for the holiday. I know that it is a little early right now but…Costco always has a really nice display and the prices are right. I’m going to check with Aldi and see if they will be carrying any Pesach items this year.
Cross Roads Food Pantry is an ongoing project, also.
We know that this is a great deal of asking but, unfortunately, there is a great deal of need. We are so thankful for this amazing congregation for the outpouring of generosity and the sweetness of mind and spirit that exists at Temple David.
If you have any questions or ideas for us, please don’t hesitate to contact either Deb or me.
See you in Temple!
Published February 2020
Hello My Temple David Family:
Happy 2020 to all of you! As always, December and early January have been very busy with lots going on.
I’m going to begin with the last event first because of the impact it presented to so many. The Harry Schmidley Replenishment Blood Drive was held on Sunday, January 12. Thanks to the amazing work of Ann Cohen, it was a huge success. The White and Grossberger families were at the helm handling security, snacks, set-up, and making everyone who came to donate feel welcome and thanked. What a beautiful family! Heather Benes stepped up and set up the food and drinks and anything else that was needed. The nurses, techs, and everyone else associated with Vitalant Pittsburgh were warm and comforting and truly professional in everything that they had to do to make the donors feel the same. Over 41 units of blood were donated that day. There aren’t enough words to express my thanks to Ann, Heather, and all of the people who helped to make this possible. Our prayers and love go out to Harry, Jodie, and their wonderful family.
The Police Department’s annual holiday cookie tray was delivered on December 19. The officers and staff are so thankful for Temple David’s support of them and all they do. They said that we are some of the nicest people that they know; I returned the compliment as Temple David’s representative at that moment!
The Firefighters’ annual holiday dinner was delivered to the firehouse on Christmas Eve. The Chief always likes to make sure that the men and women who are serving the community through their holiday get to enjoy the feast! They always look forward to this meal!
Thank you to Janice DiCola for stepping in to help me platter the cookies for the police and firefighters;
I was happy to tell her that she was now a member of Temple David’s Religious/Social Action Committee!
My amazing cooks, bakers, and helpers—you are the best! Thank you to Mary Bendorf, Randy Boswell, Sheila Cartiff, Carol Gordon, Marcine Hillman, Barbara Holst, Jeffrey Holst, Kay Liss, Deb Scheib, Gail Schmitt, Rabbi Barbara Symons, Elaine Wolfe, and Jan Zimmer. Your delicious and beautiful foods were greatly appreciated!
Temple David was represented on Mitzvah Day by Rabbis Barbara and Ron Symons at the Rainbow Kitchen, the Goldberg Family at the JCC, and Kay Liss and Elaine Wolfe at Sojourner House. If I’ve left anyone out, please let me know.
Last, but not least, thank you to Stan Beck for taking the canned goods that were donated at the Chanukah dinner to the Cross Roads Food Pantry!
Please feel free to contact either Deb or me with any questions or ideas for new projects!
Have a warm and Happy February and…see you at Temple!
Thank You for Supporting the Blood Drive
We are so appreciative for everyone who came, donated, and helped with the Temple David Blood replenishment drive to help our son-in-law, and Temple David member, Harry Schmidley.
Special thanks go out to Ann Cohen, JoAnn Lippock, and Leah Blasso, and to Vitalant who made this all possible. We are so grateful to be part of such a caring and generous community.
With gratitude,
JoAnn and Mark White
Published January 2020
Hello My Temple David Family:
Time flies by so quickly…here we are just past Chanukah and looking at the start of 2020!
This has been a very busy time for religious/Social Action…as always!
I brought our annual Thank You Thanksgiving Lunch to the Monroeville Police Department and I was greeted with hugs, laughter, and gratitude by Supervisor Colberg (see note on Page 6).
The lunch itself is ordered from Giant Eagle with some extras provided by Temple . The hit of the lunch is always the cookies and the hand drawn thank-you notes from the children…Thank You Pati Eisenberg!
Our Religious/Social Action Shabbat Dinner and Service was held on December 6; thank you to our many helpers: Linda and Jim Jones, Barbara Holst, Andrea Stanger, the Beck family, Caroline Fellinger, Sheila Cartiff, Mark White, Kay Liss, Bruce Antonoff (for the posters), Randy Boswell (for the beautiful challot) and Robin Sloan (yes, I saw you rinsing out those dishes in the kitchen!). If I’ve missed anyone, please forgive me and let me know. (See Page 27 for photos.)
After dinner, we unveiled our new Social Justice Program which will be facilitated by Religious Action Center of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ RAC). We are working with a wonderful Advisory Committee consisting of Temple David members Rachael Farber, Harlee Abromson-Kuth, Al DeRoy, Skip Davis, JoAnn White, Barbara Yergin, Elaine Wolfe, Sheila Cartiff, Ann Cohen, Reena Goldberg, Deb Scheib, and Heather Benes. Kay Liss serves as the Social Justice Oversight Leader. The committee has narrowed 13 possible ventures down to three—Food Insecurity, Mental Health, and Quality, Accessible, Affordable Preschool for All Please visit for a summary of our progress.
The Harry Schmidley Replenishment Blood Drive is on Sunday, January 12 at Temple David. Harry is married to Jodie, and is the son-in-law of Mark and JoAnn White. He is currently undergoing his second round of chemotherapy for an aggressive form of leukemia. Please see the flyer on Page 3 for information on how to make an appointment to donate.
Deb and I will report on the other December projects next time.
Until next time,
Dear Rabbi Symons and Congregation,
Thank you for again thinking of us during your holidays of Yom Kippur and Sukkot. We are grateful for the many donations of food, gift cards, and money. Our clients were thrilled with the fresh produce, which they get to choose on their own.
The overall number of families requesting assistance continues to decline slightly, through we continue to see new faces requesting assistance. This past year we have been able to help 184 local families, which included over 480 people, of whom over 140 were children. We hope and believe that this is due to more people finding work and finding themselves in a better financial situation. Nonetheless, the need continues to exist.
We are grateful for all of the assistance we receive to help these struggling families.
Blessings to all of you,
Peg Sinback, Director
Cross Roads Food Pantry
Dear Temple David,
Thank you so much for the sandwiches, chips, and cookies given to the Monroeville Police Department. The officers and dispatchers enjoyed them very much. Temple David is always very good to us! We are so grateful to people like you who are supportive of our Police Department!
The Police are very dedicated to protect and serve the community of Monroeville. Your support means the world to us and makes us proud to live and work in Monroeville and be a part of such a wonderful community.
Monroeville Police Benevolent Association