Added July 2022
Sisterhood Update
Thank you very much to our outgoing Sisterhood President, Robin Sloan! She has led with creativity and compassion, especially through the challenges of the last few years.
Thank you also to our Sisterhood Officers who will be continuing in their roles:
- Donna Lippock-Treasurer
- Pati Eisenberg-Kitchen Supplies
- Barbara Holst-College Treats
We don’t currently have a new Sisterhood President, so I’m starting an initiative to help us continue to provide programs for our members. Women of Temple David, if you have an idea for a program and are willing to coordinate it, please contact me. I can work with you to schedule it and get the word out to potential participants.
Some ideas for programs include guest speakers, holiday gatherings, fundraisers, restaurant ladies’ nights out, and anything else you can think of that will enrich the lives and nurture the friendships of our Sisterhood women. If enough of you could coordinate just one program for us, together we can keep our Sisterhood going strong!
Contact me at or 412-480-1420.
I hope to hear from many of you soon!
Reena Goldberg
Added January 2022
Sisterhood Holiday Tzedakah Project-Thank You!
Once again, our Sisterhood members (with a little help from my book club) displayed the generosity needed to provide a special holiday for a group of foster children and their families. Once our original list of eleven children was covered, you provided enough gift cards for seven more children! What a mitzvah!
Thank you for participating in this annual project, even though this year was a challenge. Just think about eighteen children taking their Target gift cards to the nearest store, and buying what they wanted most!
Added December 2021
Sisterhood Holiday Tzedakah Project
Every year at this time Temple David Sisterhood buys gifts for children in the foster care system with the cooperation of Children & Youth Services. Last year, because of the pandemic, we were limited to buying gift cards.
This year, there will be more adjustments because the case workers have a limited number of clients. At the end of November, e-mails will go out to Sisterhood members who volunteer, asking for gift cards for specific foster care families. Knowing the generosity of our members, if we receive an abundance of gift cards, the extras will be sent to Jewish Family and Community Services to support immigrant families arriving in Pittsburgh.
I know this is not as much fun as shopping and wrapping gifts for three-year-olds, but it would be a huge mitzvah.
If you are interested is participating in this project, please send me an e-mail.
Thank you,
Barbara Holst
2022 Mah Jongg Cards are Available for Purchase
Deadline is Wednesday, December 15
The price is the same as last year, $9 for regular cards and $10 for large print cards. If you would like to order a new card please send your name, address, and phone number to Marcine Hillman (4406 Lorraine Dr. Monroeville) along with a check made out to Temple David Sisterhood.
The deadline to order is December 15 so we can complete the paperwork and submit the order to the Mah Jongg League in time. New cards are mailed directly to your home address. Last year Sisterhood earned $141 from the sale of cards. Thank you everyone for your support.
Added November 2021
Sisterhood Chanukah Dinner
Tuesday, November 30 at 6:30 p.m.
(Appetizers at 6 p,m.)
at Osteria Pasqualino
Sisterhood Tzedakah Project
It may seem early to be thinking about winter holidays, but it is never too early to think about giving a gift to a child in foster care. The gifts and gift cards given by Temple Sisterhood members have brightened children’s holidays for years, and this year will be no different.
Final details will come out in the December issue of TDNow!.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Barbara Holst
Sisterhood Chanukah Gift Shoppe
Sundays 9-11 a.m.—November 7, 14, and 21
Sisterhood will be hosting a small Chanukah Gift Shoppe to include candles, gelt, dreidels, and some miscellaneous items.
If you have a request or large order let us know and we will see if we can help!
Robin Sloan (
Sisterhood Chanukah Raffle
Sisterhood is excited about our new Chanukah Raffle!
We have a lot of nice Chanukah items to give away in three baskets!
Beautiful platters, serving dishes, candy dishes,
decorative spreaders, and cute Chanukkiyot!
Please get your tickets here:
Added October 2021
Location for 10/26 Dinner is TBA
Added September 2021
Sisterhood Events
Sisterhood Monthly Meetings (In-Person and Online)
Sundays at 10 a.m.
September 12
October 10
November 14
December 12
Sisterhood Walking Club (In-Person)
Monroeville Park (meet at the temple)
Sundays, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
September 19
October 17
November 21
Annual Sisterhood Membership Dinner
(In-Person and Online)
Tuesday, October 26 at 6:30 p.m.
Sisterhood Chanukah Grab Bag and Potluck
Tuesday, November 30 at 6:30 p.m.
Coming Soon! Chanukah Raffle (In-Person and Online)
Added August 2021
Sisterhood College Treats
I am looking forward to sending out packages to Sisterhood members’ children and grandchildren at college in the Fall. How wonderful that our students will be back in school. This service is offered free of charge to all Temple David Sisterhood members.
Please send me an e-mail or give me a call when you know your student’s school address. The first of three packages will be mailed out at the High Holy Days.
Barbara Holst
Published March 2021

The Sisterhood at Temple David is back and we are hosting a raffle for Passover!
This is your chance to win a delightful Passover basket to complement your seder.
The winner will be announced on March 22
Deadline is Sunday, March 21
Please buy raffle tickets here: Raffle Link
If you would like to donate an item for a basket, please click here: Signup Link
Thank you!
Robin Sloan (724-454-7994 or
Published January 2021
Sisterhood Holiday Tzedakah Project
Due to the generosity of our Temple David Community, with a little help from my book club of 30 years, over $1500 in gift cards to Target and Giant Eagle was sent to the case workers at Pittsburgh Children and Youth Services to be distributed to thirty-four children in foster care.
These foster families can use these cards for food, clothing, and gifts to make their holidays a special time for them. As always, I feel proud to be a member of Temple David.
Thank you,
Barbara Holst
Published November & December 2020
Order Your 2021 Mah Jongg Cards
We have been unable to play mah jongg so far this year and we haven’t used our 2020 cards, but it is time to order the 2021 cards. New cards are $9 for regular and $10 for large print.
Please send your check to Marcine Hillman or Barbara Yergin along with your name, address and phone number. Checks should be made out to Temple David Sisterhood.
We will order the cards from the National Mah Jongg League and they will send back a portion as a donation to Sisterhood.
The deadline is December 30 and the cards will be mailed directly to you in late March or early April.
If you have any questions please call Marcine at 412-600-5131.
Published December 2020
Sisterhood Holiday Tzedakah Project
A reminder to all Sisterhood members and friends that we are collecting gift cards for either Giant Eagle or Target, in any denominations, for families with foster children in the Children and Youth Services organization.
Due to health precautions, we cannot carry out this project as we have in the past, but we can still help these families have a happy holiday.
If you would like to participate, please mail your gift card to my home before December 9, and I will take them to CYS.
Thank you so much,
Barbara Holst
Published November 2020
Sisterhood College Treat Packages
Chanukah packages will be mailed out early this year because many of our students will be coming home for Thanksgiving and staying home until January.
If you are a Sisterhood member with a child or grandchild who is away at school and have not sent me your student’s information yet, it’s not too late. Just email student’s name and address and I will mail a Chanukah treat package.
Barbara Holst
Published October 2020
Sisterhood College Treat Packages
High Holy Day treat packages were mailed to our college students on September 15.
If you have a student who is returning to school later this fall and you would like a package sent out in November, please send me an e-mail with your student’s address at school.
Barbara Holst
Published September 2020
Sisterhood College Treat Packages
This year’s college treat package schedule will be a little different from previous years. (Isn’t everything?). High Holi Day packages will go out the middle of September to our students who are back on their campuses. If you are a Sisterhood member with a student away at school in September, please send me your student’s name and address and I will send off a package.
The second package will be mailed the beginning of November to arrive before the students take final exams and come home for Thanksgiving. The final package will be mailed in time for Passover.
Please send your student’s name and address as soon as possible if you would like him/her to receive a treat while they are away.
Barbara Hols
Published February 2020
Sisterhood Holiday Tzedakah Project
Notes of thanks have been coming in to thank our Sisterhood and Pre-school members who bought gifts for children in foster care in December. Once again, your generosity gave these children and their families a wonderful Christmas, unlike any they have experienced in their short, troubled lives.
A simple thank you is hardly enough
Barbara Holst
Published January 2020
Sisterhood Holiday Tzedakah Project
I never cease to be amazed by the generosity of our Sisterhood members and preschool staff, who buy gifts each year for children in the foster care system. These children come from such difficult circumstances and would not have much of a holiday if it weren’t for your gifts. This year’s pajamas, Tonka® Trucks, superhero sweatshirts, books, puzzles, and educational toys will bring joy to these children, who are ages two to sixteen.
Thank you for participating in this project.
Barbara Holst
Published December 2019 and January 2020
Order Your 2020 Mah Jongg Cards
Mah Jongg cards are a current topic again. Players, gather your groups and collect $8 for a Standard card, and $9 for Large Print.
Checks made out to Temple David Sisterhood should be mailed to Barbara Yergin, 5534 Darlington Rd., Pittsburgh, 15217 by January 12.
And once again the National Mah Jongg League will make a generous rebate donation to Temple David Sisterhood.