Added August 2022
Questions? Recipe ideas?
Contact Stan Beck at or (412) 491-0313.
Added May 2022
RSVP for the Luncheon at:
Added February 2022
Learning Service
In-Person and On Zoom
Friday, March 4 at 7:30 p.m.
Are you sitting at a service and wondering about that prayer or song or movement?
Alternatively, are you not sitting at a service because you are not comfortable not knowing about that prayer or song or movement?
Then this service is for you!
All questions are welcome.
Saturday, March 19 at 10 a.m.
In celebration of the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the First Bat Mitzvah, join the women of Temple David in-person or online for this special Shabbat service.
We are seeking:
- Women who wish to participate in the service (they must be in person).
- Bat mitzvah photos from grandmothers, mothers, and daughters who became bat mitzvah at Temple David, whether as a thirteen-year-old or as an adult.
- Men who would bake individually-packaged cookies or small challot for our oneg to go.
Please send an e-mail to
If you are interested.
Would You Like to Participate in Passover Services?
Parts are available for the Passover services: Hebrew and English, in-person and online.
Please contact Randy Boswell at 412-855-2048 or if you would like to volunteer.
The service dates and times are:
Saturday, April 16 at 10 a.m.
Thursday, April 21 at 7:30 p.m.
Friday April 22 at 10 a.m.
Published June 2021
Confirmation of
5780/2020 and 5781/2021 Students
Saturday, July 31 at 10 a.m.
In-Person and Online
Picnic and Havdalah Service
at Monroeville Park
Saturday, August 21 at 6 p.m.
Havdalah (8 p.m.) will also be on Zoom
Published April and May 2021
Saturday. May 1
9 a.m. Torah Study
10 a.m. Morning Worship
We will be In-Person and On Zoom!
Come to Temple David
or visit for the link
Published March 2021
Online Yom HaShoah Service
Wednesday, April 7 at 7 p.m. at on Zoom
A powerful service of memory, inspiration, and hope
led by the students in Grades 8-10
who have been studying the Shoah as their curriculum.
Annual City-Wide Yom HaShoah Program

Thursday, April 8 at 11 a.m.
Please click here to Register:
The first major program under the auspices of the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh, established in 1980, was a Yom HaShoah commemoration. Throughout its 40 year history, the Center has held the commemoration every year thereafter, making it the cornerstone our yearly programming. In keeping with our 2020-21 program theme of “40 Years of the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh,” this year’s commemoration will include photographs and mementos of the many commemorations the Center has held over the past 40 years.
Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, is set aside to remember the approximately six-million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. In Israel, it is a national memorial day.
Yom HaShoah was inaugurated in 1959, anchored in a law signed by then Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and Israeli President Yitzhak Ben-Zvi. It is held on the 27th of the Jewish month of Nisan.
The 2021 Yom HaShoah program is underwritten by Agnes Rocher and Family,
in memory of her husband George.
Published February 2021
Details for online services will be posted at
If you are able, please bring:
- Two candles (or however many you usually light) and matches
- The Symbolic foods or creative replacements: Roasted egg (spring); roasted shank bone (paschal offering); parsley (spring); bitter herbs (hardship); charoset (bricks and mortar); salt water (tears)
- A new symbol that represents your experience now
- A glass, wine/grape juice
- An Elijah’s Cup or any empty cup/glass
- Matzah
- A pitcher or cup with water, a bowl, a hand towel
- Your favorite family Passover story
Join Us at
Dinner will be served (by you) during a break.
You can either sign off of Zoom or stay on and chat with others.
Published January 2021
Virtual Purim Sing-A-Long
We’re creating a virtual sing-a-long for Purim this year, and we’re inviting everyone to join in: adults, children, members, friends, relatives, guests, individuals, groups. We’ll most likely be at home watching and singing, but Zoom doesn’t support group singing, so we’re putting together a Brady Bunch-style grid video, and we need your help.
This is a group sing with everyone singing the melody–there are no harmony parts to learn. No pressure for perfect, in-tune, singing. Mistakes are no problem. It’ll sound great when all the videos are combined, just like when we sing together in person.
We have detailed instructions for how to record your video at home. Use the song sheet to sing along with the audio guide. Submit your video, and we’ll combine them to show on Purim at the Zoom service. Then everyone can sing at home together with the video. Wear a costume for a virtual Purim party!
The combined performance will be shown after the Megillah reading on the evening of February 25, so we’d like your videos by February 1 to allow plenty of time for Stan to combine them. Click on the links for instructions, the song sheet, and the prerecorded audio guide. After you’ve recorded your video, upload it using the link. All of the links will be on the Temple David At-Home page for the full month of January.
Thank you for your participation! Call or text me if you have any questions or need help. Remember, it’s easy. No harmony parts to learn–just sing the melody along with the recording of Stan and his family. Kay Liss says, “If I can do it, so can you. It’s easy, and fun.”
Stan Beck,
Chair-Ritual Practices Committee
412-491-0313 or
Download the instructions:
Download the song sheet:
Download the audio guide-track:
Upload your completed video
Published December 2020
Online Tu Bi Sh’vat Seder
Wednesday, January 27 (15 Sh’vat)
at 6:30 p.m.
Please have:
- A fruit whose pit is not edible (e.g., a peach)
- A fruit or nut whose peel/skin is not edible (e.g., a banana or nut)
- A fruit which is fully edible (e.g., a seedless grape)
- A fruit whose pit and peel/skin is not edible (e.g., an avocado)
- White grape juice and purple grape juice
- Something made with a grain
All blessings and readings will be screen-shared
Join Us at
Published November 2020
Please join the Temple David community during Chanukah at 5:45 p.m. for a brief (10-15 minute) nightly candle lighting gathering on Zoom.
If you are interested in leading one of these short nightly sessions, whether sharing your family tradition or linking to a Chanukah theme (such as light during darkness, courage, Jewish pride, increasing joy, miracles, latkes, and sufganiyot) please contact Helen Dorra at
The links will be available at
Published March 2020
Please contact Stan Beck at
Please respond by Friday, April 3
Click for sign-up form
- First Day of Passover Enhanced Kiddush
Thursday, April 9 following 10 a.m. service
Details will be published next month - Second Night of Passover Seder
Thursday, April 9 at 6 p.m. service - Last Night of Passover Oneg
Tuesday, April 14 following the 7 p.m. service
Details will be published next month - Passover-leftovers Kiddush; continuing a tradition
Wednesday, April 15 following the 10 a.m. service. - Breaking Passover at North Park Lounge in Murrysville
Wednesday, April 15 at 6 p.m.
RSVP by calling or e-mailing the Temple office or signing up in the sanctuary
(Note: everyone will order their meal from the regular menu; no set choices/prices)
Published February 2020
Enjoy a quick meal before the Megillah Reading and Shpiel!
Please respond by Friday, March 6 to Stan Beck at
to help determine the amount of the food required.
Those rousing words open Shushan Confidential, an original production celebrating the spirit of Purim authored by Temple David’s song-parodist extraordinaire, Fred Bortz. A lively group of shpielers will enthrall you with their performance immediately following the Megillah Reading on March 9. Come to discover the back stories that answer questions you never knew you had: Who was Vashti’s divorce attorney? Was Haman’s twin sister cheated out of a win in the King’s beauty pageant? Why were Bigthan and Teresh so angry that they plotted to kill the King?
Set as a TV Talk Show hosted by Eubie the Eunuch and including commercials with jingles from Shushan’s finest businesses, the shpiel will introduce you to the everyday “Persian-alities” behind the Purim story.
Although the major roles are filled, the cast will be glad to welcome additional chorus members with adequate singing voices and a good sense of humor. The casting call and first read-through will be at Temple on February 4 at 7 p.m. Men, as well as teens and preteens, would be especially welcome.
Contact Fred at 412-856-9312
Please contact Stan Beck at
Please respond by Friday, April 3
Click for sign-up form