Here’s A Tip

Posted on by Rabbi Barbara Symons

I was sitting at a local restaurant quietly reading one of our upcoming book discussion novels (And the Bride Closed the Door by famous Israeli author Ronit Matalon – highly recommended, quick read, discussion on December 9). At the table next to mine, the waitress was bantering with her male clients about grandchildren. Paraphrasing her side of the conversation, she said, “But girls…they’re sweet when they are young but when they get to be adolescents, then watch out!”

Without purposefully listening to conversations or while purposefully reading Facebook and other social medial posts, let us pause to think about what is being said or posted.

In saying what she did, the waitress sold her little sisters out. Not all girls have “attitude” when they reach adolescence though that was what she was implying. Furthermore, no girls only have “attitude” when they reach adolescence. For all the change in their brains and bodies, for all the differential treatment that they may possibly be experiencing as so many studies show, even if some have “attitude” at times, let us be compassionate and even recognize that at times “attitude” is good. Let us not make assumptions. Let us not group people by sex or by any other trait. Let us be careful with our own words and call out others when their words cross a line. Let us realize who else may be listening, such as the two young girls seated not too far away in the restaurant.

Let us love our neighbors as ourselves through words and deeds.

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