Added September 2022
As of August 19, we began to announce the COVID transmission levels and masking details on Friday mornings (rather than Thursdays) in our weekly e-mail Next Ten Days.
This change will allow us provide you with the most up-to-date weekly COVID information since the CDC provides updates on Thursdays at 8 PM ET.
Regarding masking, we will employ the CDC Guidelines, as follows:
- LOW: Optional Masking
- MEDIUM: Recommended Masking
- HIGH: Mandatory Masking Indoors
We continue to encourage social distancing and other safe practices to help maintain a healthy environment at Temple David, and in consideration of our congregants who are immune-suppressed.
For more information regarding the Centers for Disease Control Guidelines and Recommendations for the three transmission levels, please visit:
If you have questions, please contact me at or 412-480-1420.
Reena Goldberg,
President-Board of Trustees
In 2008, on the occasion of Temple David’s fiftieth anniversary Dr. Richard Myerowitz authored the history of our congregation Temple David-The First 50 Years: 1958-2008, and wrote “Sharon Leibowitz [now of blessed memory] has the distinction of holding the position of Bulletin editor longer than anyone else although Jay Goodman is catching up.” At the time, I had six years to Sharon’s ten years. Now, fourteen years later, with this issue, I have completed my twentieth year as editor of Temple David’s monthly bulletin, currently known as TD Now!. (I realize that in the early days the bulletin was printed more frequently than monthly so I’m not as far ahead based on the total number of issues.)
We, the congregation of Temple David, completed our sixty-fourth year on March 23, the anniversary of the signing of our charter, and correspondingly, this issue completes Volume 64 of the bulletin.
As I do in the last issue of each year, I’d like to thank our proofreaders: Reena Goldberg, Jim Jones, Linda Jones, Kay Liss, Beverly Reinhardt, Rabbi Barbara Symons, and Elaine Wolfe. Also, thank you to Bev for preparing and mailing the paper copy of TD Now! each month.
My thanks also go to all of you who provide the monthly content; extra thanks to those who are respectful of the deadlines.
Jay Goodman,
Recording Secretary and Editor-TDNow!
Added August 2022
Steeler Football Is Back!
And So Is Temple David’s Football Fundraiser
Temple David’s Football Fundraiser is back for another Steeler’s season. Last year there were 85 participants and 36 winners, but more importantly it is really fun and a great way to raise money for the temple. Many of you have spoken about sitting on the edge of your seat during a game and winning or losing by a late field goal or last minute touchdown.
You don’t have to know anything about football to participate. There are no teams to pick or scores to guess. The football fundraiser is highlighted by a random grid designed so that a number between 1 and 100 maps onto the winning score of every Steeler regular season game and the Super Bowl (whether the Steelers are in it or not). There is a winner for the half-time score and another winner for the final score. When you request one or more entry packets, you will receive the 2022-23 grid and your randomly selected number or numbers. The grid is designed so that your numbers changes every four weeks and for the Super Bowl. There will be 36 winners. Half-time winners receive $50 and final score winners, $100. A $150 prize is awarded for the Super Bowl final score winner.
The computer generates the random entry numbers and it keeps track of everything so all you have to do to participate is send in one or more entries. Entries are $55 each and that covers the entire 17-game season plus the Superbowl. If you wish, you can send in $27.50 for a half entry and we will match you up with another half entry. Entry applications will be sent to all temple members and all past participants.
If you need an additional packet or if you have questions, please contact me at the e-mail address or phone number below.
Please play and get your friends to participate.
Harvey Wolfe,
Temple David Football Fundraising or 412-372-0510
Click Here for the entry form:
The Deadline is Thursday, September 8
Added July 2022
Due to the decrease in the COVID transmission level in Allegheny County from Medium to Low, wearing masks at Temple David will be OPTIONAL, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY.
If COVID transmission levels once again increase to High in our area, mandatory masking will be reinstated for indoor activities.
We continue to encourage social distancing and other safe practices to help maintain a healthy environment at Temple David.
For more information regarding the Centers for Disease Control Guidelines and Recommendations for the three transmission levels, please visit:
If you have questions, please contact me at or 412-480-1420.
Reena Goldberg,
President-Board of Trustees
Added June 2022
Due to the current increase in COVID transmission levels in Allegheny County, wearing masks at Temple David will be RECOMMENDED, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY (FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2022).
If COVID transmission levels increase in our area, mandatory masking will be reinstated.
We continue to encourage social distancing and other safe practices to help maintain a healthy environment at Temple David.
If you have questions, please contact Reena Goldberg at
Added May 2022
Due to the current consistently low COVID transmission levels in our community, wearing masks at Temple David will be optional. (This became effective on Monday, April 11.)
If COVID transmission levels increase in our area, mandatory masking will be reinstated.
We continue to encourage social distancing and other safe practices to help maintain a healthy environment at Temple David.
Please Note These Exceptions: The Weiger Religious School and JESP will still require masking for the remainder of the school year. The schools will reevaluate their safety protocols over the summer.
If you have questions, please contact Reena Goldberg at
Ukrainian Refugees Need Our Help
Click links below to donate
Jewish Federation of Pgh (incl. matching funds)
American Jewish Joint Distribution Cmte.
An Open Invitation
When I look in the mirror, I see a really old man and I begin to worry. Who is going to be responsible for Temple David finances in the future? Fortunately, Brett Pechersky has stepped up to learn most of the tasks required of the Temple’s Financial Vice President and the Comptroller. But we need others with enough knowledge of Temple finances that they can be called upon to fill the above positions in the future.
I thought about this long and hard and I’ve decided to give a class on Temple finances that would be open to all Temple members, but especially those members who are willing to step up sometime in the future and accept one of the above positions.
The class would be held at the Temple one night a week for six weeks, for one-and-a-half hours per evening. We can select which night when we know who will be in the class. I would hope to begin in mid-May. You do have to be able to add and subtract, and hopefully be familiar with Microsoft Word® and Microsoft Excel®.
Please let me know if you are interested. My email is
Harvey Wolfe,
Financial Vice President
Graduate listings will be included in the June issue of TD Now!.
Please send the following information to
or call Bev at 412-372-1200.
If you are an adult graduate:
Your Name
School* graduated from (and location if not local or obvious)
Future school or employment plans (and location if not local or obvious)
If you are the parent(s) of a graduate:
Graduate’s Name
Member Parent(s)’ Name(s)
(and Grandparents, if Temple David members)
School* graduated from (and location if not local or obvious)
Future school or employment plans (and location if not local or obvious)
If you are the grandparent(s) of a graduate:
Graduate’s Name
Member Grandparent(s)’ Name(s)
Parent(s)’ Name(s) (parents do not have to be TD members)
School* graduated from (and location if not local or obvious)
Future school or employment plans (and location if not local or obvious)
*High School, Technical School, University, Graduate/Professional School, etc.
Added April 2022
On March 4, we resumed Ongei Shabbat (Onegs) after services.
Oneg means joy, and that is what we have when we gather together to socialize over a sweet nosh.
We ask that you continue to remain masked before and after you enjoy your treat.
Please contact Reena Goldberg ( or 412-480-1420) or Carol Gordon ( or 412-856-8029) with any questions, or if you can help with onegs.
In-Person Lunch with the Rabbi Returns!
Get your last chametz in on Thursday, April 14 at Noon!
Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza
2740 Stroschein Road
There is no agenda. These monthly lunches are simply a lovely way to gather together, share a good meal, meet new Temple David members and connect with friends, even if it is your lunch break.
Please join us.
Special PJ Library® Program for Ages 4-12!
Something for everyone!
Sunday, April 24 at 11 a.m.
More Information to Come!
Added March 2022
NEW: Changes regarding the availability of food at Temple David events are being finalized. Please read Next Ten Days for details.
Added December 2021
Temple David’s Jean Shuman Memorial Scholarship
Applications are now being accepted for the Jean Shuman Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship was established by Edgar Shuman and his family in memory of and in tribute to Jean, wife of Edgar and mother of Linda and Eric Shuman.
The deadline for applications is Friday, March 18, 2022.
Jewish Scholarship Service of Greater Pittsburgh
of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh
Applications for need-based college scholarships for the 2022-2023 school year are available from the Jewish Scholarship Service (JSS) of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. This program is administered by Jewish Family and Community Services.
The deadline for applications is Thursday, February 24, 2022.
For more information and links to application forms
for both scholarships please visit:
Added November 2021
Durable Medical Equipment Urgently Needed!
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) vastly improves quality of life, mobility, dignity, and overall health. The Global Links organization urgently needs these items to serve seniors in Western PA (Erie, Mercer, Lawrence, and other counties) as well as in Iraq, Dominican Republic, and Mexico through our partners agencies.
Items Most Needed:
- Adult Briefs and Incontinence Products
(sealed packages only) - Walkers and Rollators
- Non-Motorized Wheelchairs
- Transport Chairs, Canes, and Crutches
- Shower/Bathing Benches, Seats, and Stools
Drop-Off Schedule for Temple David:
Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-Noon: Nov. 1-5 and Nov. 8-12
Sun., 9-11 a.m.: Nov. 7 and Nov. 14
REMOVED: Havdalah Services will remain ONLINE only.
Added October 2021
See the Rabbi’s Monthly Column the hesped for Rabbi Emeritus Jason Z. Edelstein, z”l
Nothing new added in September 2021
Added in August 2021
Friday Night and Saturday Morning Shabbat Services are now IN-PERSON and ONLINE.
Havdalah Services will remain ONLINE only.
Please check the calendar at to see whether other events, meetings, classes, etc., are in-person, online, or both.
Be sure to check regularly as we continue through this transitional period.
Online events and associated links to enable your participation may be found at
A Private Moment on the Bimah
Leading up to the new year, would standing on our bimah before the ark be meaningful to you?
If so, Rabbi Symons is setting up 15-minute intervals during which we will maintain physical distancing while inviting spiritual connection.
Please contact Rabbi Symons at or 412-372-1200 to schedule a time.
Remembering our Loved Ones
Who’ve Died of Coronavirus
For the upcoming year 5782 (2021-22) Temple David’s memorial book will have a page dedicated to a list of names of family members and/or friends who have passed away because of coronavirus (COVID-19).
There is no charge to submit these names; donor names and relationships will not be included.
If you would like to submit a name or names for this memorial page, please use the form that was included with the Memorial Book mailing.
Be sure to put MEMORIAL BOOK INFORMATION on the outside envelope. The deadline for submission of this information is August 11.
JESP is looking for substitutes for all the preschool classes, consisting of Age Two, Age Three, and Age Four/Pre-Kindergarten.
Applicants must have all required clearances.
If you are interested, please contact Nancy Gottlieb
at or 412-779-2421.
Each 1-lb. jar is $12, and this time we’re doing a pre-order, so everyone can purchase as many as they’d like! Additionally, you can order honey jars to be delivered to the food pantry. Please indicate those on the order form as well.
Orders are due by Friday August 13, and the honey will be available for pickup at Temple David on Monday August 30 from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
If you are unable to pick up at that time, please contact Jessica Raithel at to make other arrangements.
Download the order form here:
Download the brochure here:
What do I need to know?
- Grandparents and/or Grandchildren must be a member of Temple David
- Grandparents can pair with more than one grandchild within the same session
- Session-specific packages will be sent to grandparents and grandchildren
Beginning September 19; for more information, and to register,
please visit
Questions?: Please contact Rabbi Symons
at or 412-372-1200
Come to Israel with Temple David!
March 14-24, 2022
Tell your family and friends!
Find the itinerary and other information at
Added in July 2021
Temple David’s Football Fundraiser is back for another Steeler’s season. Last year there were 69 participants and 34 winners, but more importantly it is really fun and a great way to raise money for the temple. Many of you have spoken about sitting on the edge of your seat during a game and winning or losing by a late field goal or last minute touchdown.
With the difficulties in fundraising during the Pandemic, we need to increase our participation. You don’t have to know anything about football to participate. There are no teams to pick or scores to guess. The football fundraiser is highlighted by a random grid designed so that a number between 1 and 100 maps onto the winning score of every Steeler regular season game and the Super Bowl (whether the Steelers are in it or not). There is a winner for the half-time score and another winner for the final score. When you request one or more entry packets, you will receive the 2021-22 grid and your randomly selected number or numbers. The grid is designed so that your numbers changes every four weeks and for the Super Bowl. There will be 36 winners. Half-time winners receive $50 and final score winners, $100. A $150 prize is awarded for the Super Bowl final score winner.
The computer generates the random entry numbers and it keeps track of everything so all you have to do to participate is send in one or more entries. Entries are $55.00 each and that covers the entire season plus the Superbowl. The increase is necessary to accommodate the expansion to 17 games. If you wish, you can send in $27.50 for a half entry and we will match you up with another half entry. Entry applications will be sent to all temple members and all past participants.
If you need an additional packet or if you have questions, please contact me at the e-mail address or phone number below, or download the form:
Please play and get your friends to participate.
Harvey Wolfe,
Temple David Football Fundraising or 412-372-0510
Burial of Sacred Books and Ritual Objects
Drop-Off Dates at Temple David:
July 19-23 and July 26-30
Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Fri. 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Because God’s name is sacred, we do not discard written materials with God’s name on them in a usual way. We bury them.
Therefore, if you have siddurim, machzorim, Haggadot, or other prayer books, Hebrew Bibles, or textbooks that are no longer usable, please bring them to the temple and they will be properly buried.
You may also drop off ritual objects such as tallitot, tefillin, and worn or damaged mezuzah scrolls.
A community-wide burial, sponsored by the Jewish Cemetery and Burial Association of Greater Pittsburgh, will take place on Sunday, August 15 at 11 a.m. at New Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery in Shaler.
Added in June 2021
Friday Night and Saturday Morning Shabbat Services will be IN-PERSON and ONLINE.
Havdalah Services will remain ONLINE only.
Please check the calendar at to see whether other events, meetings, classes, etc., are in-person, online, or both. Be sure to check regularly as we continue through this transitional period.
The Challenge Is Out!
Ya’amod! “We will Stand!”
Please ascend the bimah—individuals, couples, or families—to lead services whenever Rabbi Symons plans to be absent. Rabbi Symons and other service leaders will be glad to work with you and to co-lead services with you as you get more comfortable.
If you are interested in exploring this—whether for Erev Shabbat, Shabbat Morning, Shiva, or Havdalah services, please be in touch with Rabbi Symons on incoming Ritual Practices Chair Randy Boswell:
Recurring during COVID-19
Although most events scheduled for May will remain on-line, some are indicated as “in-person” or as “both” (where “both” means that participation will be available on-line and in-person).
We will know more about June events next month.
Although most events scheduled for April and May will remain on-line, some are indicated as “in-person” or as “both” (where “both” means that participation will be available on-line and in-person).
We have instituted protocols to ensure that in-person event attendees maintain social distancing and are requiring masks.
Please do not attend an in-person event if you are experiencing symptoms of illness or have been exposed to someone who is ill.
Temple David has suspended in-person operations until further notice.
The events included in this issue are scheduled for the upcoming month and beyond.
The upcoming month’s events have been modified for online participation. The venues for events planned for later months will be addressed in future issues.
The online events and associated links to enable your participation may be found at
This site also contains COVID-19 resources and other links that may be of interest to you. The site will be updated regularly as the situation evolves.
Changes to events will be also communicated as follows:
- By adding a message to the Temple David answering machine (412-372-1200)
- By e-mail. If you are not currently on our e-mail list and would like to be added, please send an e-mail to and we will add your address
Thank you for your understanding as we move forward.
Jay Goodman
Editor, TD Now!
Published May 2021
Celebrate Shavuot with Delicious Treats!
Temple David’s Fundraising Committee is selling
cheesecake and blintzes for Shavuot!
Orders must be received by Friday, May 7
and will be available for pickup at Temple David
on Sunday May 16 from 1-3 p.m.
If you are unable to pick up during this window,
please contact Jessica Raithel at
Delivery is available for those who cannot travel to Temple.
- $3.50–Slice of Cheesecake plus Cherry OR Chocolate Topping
- $7.00–6 Kasia Blintzes (kosher)
- $13.00–2 slices of Cheesecake with topping and 6 Blintzes
- $1.00–Extra Topping
Click here for the order form:
Saturday, May 15
10 p.m. City-Wide Online Tikkun Leil Shavuot Study
(see below)
Sunday, May 16
7:30 p.m. Online Erev Shavuot Worship
9 p.m. Temple David Tikkun Leil Shavuot Study
(see below)
Monday, May 17
10 a.m. Online Shavuot Morning Worship
with Yizkor
Visit for the links
Please note: as of this writing, Confirmation has been postponed to a later date.
Mazal Tov to Our 2021/5781 Confirmands
- Rebecca Kaitlyn Gerse, Daughter of David and Debra Gerse
- Joshua Chase Goldberg, Son of Rick and Reena Goldberg
- Elijah Dylan Sloan, Son of Darrin and Kara Sloan,
Grandson of James and Maxine Sloan
Following in Moses’s footsteps as he climbed Mt. Sinai, our students are prepared to receive the Torah and be Confirmed. They bring their Jewish pride, knowledge, experience, and friendship. It was my honor to be their teacher and I look forward to my continued relationship with each student.
Mazal Tov to you and to your families!
Rabbi Barbara AB Symons
Temple David
Online Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Prophetic Voices: Renewing and Reimagining Haftarah
Sunday, May 16 at 9 p.m.
With Shavuot as an example, Rabbi Symons will share parts of her soon-to-be-published book Prophetic Voices: Renewing and Reimagining Haftarah. The impetus behind the book is to reclaim the title “Prophetic Judaism”—from the sanctuary and beyond. The book’s intention is to better understand the prophets through contemporary interpretations as well as through alternative prophetic voices with their interpretations. There will be a brief look at the expansiveness of the alternative texts as well as the many haftarot for the American Jewish calendar from Independence Day to Pride Month to Opening Day.
Please join us!
Visit for the link
Click to Register:
Attention 2021 Graduates
Graduate listings will be included in the June issue of TD Now!.
Please e-mail the following information to by Friday, May 7
(or call Jay Goodman at 412-965-2085):
If you are an adult graduate:
- Your Name
- School* graduated from including any honors
- Future school or employment plans
If you are the parent(s) of a graduate:
- Name of Student
- Name(s) of Member Parent(s) [also grandparents if TD Members]
- School* graduated from including any honors
- Future school or employment plans [and location]
If you are the grandparent(s) of a graduate:
- Name of Student
- Name(s) of Member Grandparent(s)
- Name(s) of Parent(s) [parents do not have to be TD members]
- School* graduated from including any honors
- Future school or employment plans [and location]
*High School, Technical School, University, Graduate/Professional School, etc.
Published April 2021
Details for online services will be posted at
If you are able, please bring:
- Two candles (or however many you usually light) and matches
- The Symbolic foods or creative replacements: Roasted egg (spring); roasted shank bone (paschal offering); parsley (spring); bitter herbs (hardship); charoset (bricks and mortar); salt water (tears)
- A new symbol that represents your experience now
- A glass, wine/grape juice
- An Elijah’s Cup or any empty cup/glass
- Matzah
- A pitcher or cup with water, a bowl, a hand towel
- Your favorite family Passover story
Join Us at
Dinner will be served (by you) during a break.
You can either sign off of Zoom or stay on and chat with others.
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month
at Temple David!
Volunteer Appreciation Shabbat
Friday, April 16 at 7:30 p.m.
Please visit for the link
We are so grateful for our volunteers who serve on the Board, work on committees, help with projects, perform repairs, host programs, donate food, and much more.
Our volunteers do anything and everything that is needed to support our community and enrich Temple David.
Please join us for Volunteer Appreciation during the Erev Shabbat Service on Zoom on Friday, April 16 at 7:30 p.m.
Whether you’ve volunteered a lot or a little, recently or a while ago, we hope to see you then!
APRIL 23-25
Featuring Rabbi Stephen A. Karol
On Zoom; find the links at
Rabbi Karol, Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Isaiah in Stony Brook, New York, was ordained at Hebrew Union College in 1977 and has served at Temple Beth Zion (Buffalo, NY), Congregation Sha’aray Shalom (Hingham, MA), and Temple Isaiah. He currently teaches at Temple Isaiah and at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Stony Brook University. Rabbi Karol is the author of Finding Hope and Faith In The Face Of Death, which is about giving faith, comfort, and inspiration when a death occurs. It is relevant for Jews and Christians as well as those who don’t identify themselves as believers.
A signed copy of Rabbi Karol’s book will be available for purchase by contacting him directly or by contacting Elaine Wolfe at
FRIDAY, APRIL 23 at 10 a.m.
Rabbi Barbara Symons will host a private event at which Rabbi Karol will speak to a joint session of the Monroeville Interfaith Ministerium and the Greater Pittsburgh Rabbinic Association. Rabbi Karol’s topic will be The David And Bathsheba Story – #Me Too or A Forgivable Sin?
FRIDAY, APRIL 23 at 7:30 p.m.
Rabbi Karol will speak during the Erev Shabbat service. His topic will be Turn, Turn, Turn: What We Can Learn From The Book Of Ecclesiastes through which we will discover profound and meaningful messages about wisdom, values, and perspectives. There will be time for questions after the service.
SATURDAY, APRIL 24 at 7 p.m.
Grab a glass of wine and some snacks and Zoom in as Rabbi Karol talks about How Women Are Treated In the Hebrew Bible – Our Four Foremothers: Sarah, Rebekah, Leah, and Rachel. The Hebrew Bible was the product of a patriarchal society. Although the Four Matriarchs are sometimes overshadowed by the Three Patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – each woman has her own distinctive story. This session will be followed by Havdalah.
SUNDAY, APRIL 25 at 10 a.m.
Enjoy brunch at home and join Rabbi Karol on Zoom to find out Why David Is Still Important 3,000 Years After He Lived. David is one of the most fascinating characters in the Hebrew Bible – shepherd, warrior, outlaw, lover, husband, father, king, and ancestor of the Messiah. In this presentation, you will discover how he was so flawed and so loved, so criticized and so admired, but is still so important.
Please join us on Zoom for a very exciting and uplifting weekend.
There is no charge for this weekend; however, donations are always appreciated.
We look forward to learning with all of you.
Celebrate Shavuot with Delicious Treats!
Temple David’s Fundraising Committee is selling
cheesecake and blintzes for Shavuot!
Orders must be received by Friday, May 7
and will be available for pickup at Temple David
on Sunday May 16 from 1-3 p.m.
If you are unable to pick up during this window,
please contact Jessica Raithel at
Delivery is available for those who cannot travel to Temple.
$3.50–Slice of Cheesecake plus Cherry OR Chocolate Topping
$7.00–6 Kasia Blintzes (kosher)
$13.00–2 slices of Cheesecake with topping and 6 Blintzes
$1.00–Extra Topping
Click here for the order form:
Published February-March 2021
2021-22 Financial Aid Applications
Are Now Available
- Temple David’s Jean Shuman Scholarship
Deadline: March 19 - Jewish Scholarship Service of Greater Pittsburgh
New Deadline: March 2
For details, please visit:
Grandparents and Grandchildren:
Step into an online Jewish world with Rabbi Symons through age-appropriate stories and activities, craft items that will arrive in the mail, and special family time.
- Tell Me a Story!
Grades K-2
Sunday, March 21 at 4 p.m. - How to be a Better Me
Grades 3-5
Sunday, April 18 at 4 p.m. - Our Family Legacy
Grades 6-7
Saturday, May 8 at 8 p.m. - I See Stars
Up to Pre-K
Sunday, June 13 at 9:30 a.m.
Click here for details and to sign up
Published January 2021
Click Here
- Addiction / Substance Abuse
- Disability Services
- Employment
- Family Support (Pregnancy) / Child Services
- Financial Support
- Food
- Health/Medical
- Housing / Homelessness
- Immigrant / Refugee
- Legal
- Mental Health
- Older Adults
- Utilities
- Veterans
- Violence / Assault
Published December 2020 – February 2021
I hope all of you are staying healthy and safe.
I would like to update our current membership list and mail the new version in February 2021.
Please e-mail me at with any changes. These include new physical addresses, new e-mail addresses, and new telephone numbers. Please also let me know if you have disconnected your landlines.
I would also love to add any NEWBORNS to our membership list. Please send me their full names and dates of birth.
The DEADLINE is Friday, February 5, 2021.
Please remember to be kind!
Love to all!
Published November 2020
Voter Resources
Votes PA: 1-877-Votes PA (1-877-868-6772) or
Drop-Off Box Locations:
Ballot Tracking Link:
Thank you everyone at Temple David for joining in with RAC/PA Every Voice, Every Vote program. When you read this article, we will be less than one week from Election Day, November 3.Thank you to the Civic Engagement committee:
- Fred Bortz for writing the scripts and Marsha and Randy Boswell for acting in The Honeyvoters (see videos here)
- Randy has also been checking our Every Voice, Every Vote voicemail box every day. If you have not called 412 372-1200, Ext. 6, to let us know that you pledge to vote on November 3, please do it NOW! Randy likes to hear all of your messages
- Linda Jones and Allen Cohen for reaching out to our younger congregants to ensure that they are registered to vote
- Elaine Wolfe for her enthusiasm and always having a better idea for doing things
- Kay Liss for calling congregants who live beyond Allegheny and Westmoreland Counties
This has been a fun, short-term committee of Temple David.
Kay Liss, Chair
The Honeyvoters!

The first meeting of the
2020-21 Nominating Committee
will be held on
Tuesday, November 10 at 7 p.m.
on Zoom.
This meeting is open to all interested congregants.
The link will be available at
Published October 2020
All Services will be on Zoom;
Visit for the links
Sukkah Time
We will have a small sukkah at Temple David for families to use during the week of Sukkot. A lulav and etrog set, along with instructions, will also be available.
Please contact the Temple Office (412-372-1200) to make your reservation for a meal-time or anytime sukkah experience. This could be especially meaningful and fun for families with children.
Due to quarantine considerations, the building will not be open and restrooms will not be available.
Visit for the link
Please contact JoAnn Lippock
at (412) 824-4944 or
if you need any additional information.
Remembering October 27
Multiple organizations are planning events to commemorate the October 27 Tragedy at Tree of Life.
There will be opportunities for worship, study, and social action.
Details will be communicated by e-mail once finalized.
You may also call the Temple Office after October 10: 412-372-1200.
Everyone in PA May Now Vote by Mail
No Reasons are Necessary
Sign up to vote by mail for the November General Election Now!
Sign up to vote by mail for the November 3 General Election Now!
The ballots will be available soon:
Allegheny County Westmoreland County
If you’re planning to vote by mail,
please send your ballot in well before the deadline
to ensure that your vote will be counted.
Published September 2020
With this issue I conclude my eighteenth year as editor of Temple David’s monthly bulletin, currently known as TD Now!.
We, the congregation of Temple David, completed our sixty-second year on March 23, the anniversary of the signing of our charter, and correspondingly, this issue completes Volume 62 of the bulletin.
The date on this issue is August 28, which is 168 days since we began lockdown, and 210 days since I last had a haircut (I was due to have one on the day we began the lockdown…).
We have since held multiple meetings, classes, and worship services on Zoom and I don’t know whether anyone has kept count of how many. I have had the pleasure of serving as the host for a few of these. I cannot tell you how pleasurable it is to mute someone! I am looking for a “mute button” to use once we are in-person again (I did find a phone app but it was basically ad-ware). When I was in Hebrew School, the teachers used to regularly scream “Shah” at us, but pushing a button is less confrontational.
I have missed including photographs from our events in TD Now! The photos on the recent events page, taken by Linda Jones, are from the August 11 Social Distancing Get-Together at Community Park. We have a few in-person events scheduled in September and October and I have asked the chairpersons to take photos whenever possible.
As I do each year, I’d like to thank our proofreaders: Barbara Fisher, Reena Goldberg, Jim Jones, Linda Jones, Kay Liss, Beverly Reinhardt, Rabbi Barbara Symons, and Elaine Wolfe.
Also, thank you to Bev for preparing and mailing the paper copy of TD Now! each month. My thanks also go to all of you who provide the monthly content; extra thanks to those who are respectful of the deadlines.
L’shanah Tovah Tikateivu—May You be Inscribed for a Good Year.
Jay Goodman,
Recording Secretary , Bulletin Editor, and Chair, Communications Cmte.
Wow! It’s Football Time Again…
Temple David’s 2020-21 Football Fundraiser is Here!
Will the NFL play or not? We can’t wait to find out. Because of the virus, the opportunity to have Temple fundraisers has been seriously diminished, but our expenses continue. This is your opportunity to support the Temple. You don’t have to know anything about Football to win, but if you win, the check will be in the mail within a week. The football fundraiser has been successful for the Temple for many years. If you are a regular participant, please send in your entry. If you have never participated or once did, but now don’t, consider an entry. You will help the Temple and you might win.
The rules are simple. There are no teams to pick or scores to guess. The football fundraiser is highlighted by a random grid designed so that a number between 1 and 100 maps onto the winning score of every Steeler regular season game and the Super Bowl (whether the Steelers are in it or not). There is a winner for the half-time score and another winner for the final score. When you request one or more entry packets, you will receive the 2020-2021 grid and your randomly selected number or numbers. The grid is designed so that your numbers change every four weeks. There will be 36 winners. Half-time winners receive $50 and final score winners, $100. A $150 prize is awarded for the Super Bowl final score winner. If you wish you can send in $25 for a half entry and we will match you up with another half entry.
Entry applications have already been sent to all Temple members and those who have participated in previous years. The computer generates the random entry numbers and it keeps track of everything so all you have to do to participate is send in one or more entries. Entries are $50 each and that covers the entire season plus the Super Bowl.
If you need an additional packet or if you have questions, please contact me at the e-mail address or phone number below.
Please play and get your friends to participate.
We will make arrangements for refunds should the season not materialize.
Harvey Wolfe,
Temple David Football Fundraising or 412-372-0510
Click HERE for an entry form
Everyone in PA May Now Vote by Mail
No Reasons are Necessary
Sign up to vote by mail for the November General Election Now!
Sign up to vote by mail for the November 3 General Election Now!
The ballots will be available as follows:
Allegheny County (End of September)
Westmoreland County (Beginning of September)
If you’re planning to vote by mail,
please send your ballot in well before the deadline
to ensure that your vote will be counted.
Published August 2020
Wow! It’s Football Time Again…
Temple David’s 2020-21 Football Fundraiser is Here!
Will the NFL play or not? We can’t wait to find out. Because of the virus, the opportunity to have Temple fundraisers has been seriously diminished, but our expenses continue. This is your opportunity to support the Temple. You don’t have to know anything about Football to win, but if you win, the check will be in the mail within a week. The football fundraiser has been successful for the Temple for many years. If you are a regular participant, please send in your entry. If you have never participated or once did, but now don’t, consider an entry. You will help the Temple and you might win.
The rules are simple. There are no teams to pick or scores to guess. The football fundraiser is highlighted by a random grid designed so that a number between 1 and 100 maps onto the winning score of every Steeler regular season game and the Super Bowl (whether the Steelers are in it or not). There is a winner for the half-time score and another winner for the final score. When you request one or more entry packets, you will receive the 2020-2021 grid and your randomly selected number or numbers. The grid is designed so that your numbers change every four weeks. There will be 36 winners. Half-time winners receive $50 and final score winners, $100. A $150 prize is awarded for the Super Bowl final score winner. If you wish you can send in $25 for a half entry and we will match you up with another half entry.
Entry applications have already been sent to all Temple members and those who have participated in previous years. The computer generates the random entry numbers and it keeps track of everything so all you have to do to participate is send in one or more entries. Entries are $50 each and that covers the entire season plus the Super Bowl.
If you need an additional packet or if you have questions, please contact me at the e-mail address or phone number below.
Please play and get your friends to participate.
We will make arrangements for refunds should the season not materialize.
Harvey Wolfe,
Temple David Football Fundraising or 412-372-0510
Click HERE for an entry form
Would You Like to Read Torah or Haftarah
for the High Holy Days or the Fall Festivals?
Although High Holy Day services will be online this year, there are still ways you can participate. If you wish to read Torah or Haftarah, please contact Rabbi Symons. Information about leading prayers and other readings will be coming out at the end of August.
If you have creative ideas as to how to make our worship experience meaningful, we want to hear from you!
Stan Beck, Ritual Practices Chair
Bruce Antonoff, Ritual Practices VP
Rabbi Barbara Symons
New Year’s Greetings from Sisterhood
With the High Holy Days just around the corner, Sisterhood would like to help you in wishing your friends a Happy, Healthy, and Safe New Year. We will be mailing holiday greeting cards to members of our Temple David family from you.
Please support Sisterhood and Temple David when the order form arrives in your mailbox.
Thank you,
Gail Antonoff
5781 Hunger Project in the Time of COVID-19
High Holy Day Food Drive:
Thursday, September 24 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Please drop off food at Cross Roads Food Pantry (2310 Haymaker, Monroeville) or send checks (preferred) or grocery gift cards.
Sukkot Food Drive:
Thursday, October 1, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Details next month
If you offer your compassion to the hungry
And satisfy the famished creature
Then shall your light shine in darkness
And your gloom shall be like noonday—Isaiah 58:10
Thank You to
The Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh
Temple David would like to thank the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, particularly Shawn A. Brokos and Erin Wyland, for providing a large quantity of personal protective equipment (PPE) for the eventual reopening of our Temple. The delivery included gloves, masks, digital thermometers, goggles, hand sanitizer, antiseptic wipes, and more.
Jeff Baldel
Chair-House Committee
Local Food Organizations Need Our Help
During this time of social distancing, there is much need for your help for those impacted by food insecurity:
NEW! – Meals for Friends
A local meals on wheels program serving Wilkins, Churchill, Forest Hills, and parts of Penn Hills, needs volunteer meal preparers and delivery drivers.
Please contact them at 412 824 2400 or
Cross Roads Presbyterian Church Food Pantry
2310 Haymaker Rd, Monroeville
Online Donations:
Garden City United Methodist Food Pantry
500 Laurel Dr, Monroeville
Items may be set at either set of doors of church
For more information, contact Pastor Scott Gallagher 724-255-7858
Please call in case items have changed
Items needed as of this writing:
- Mac & Cheese
- Spaghetti Sauce
- 1 lb. boxes of noodles
- White Rice
- Baking goods
- Snacks like granola bars, etc.
- Toilet Paper
- Personal supplies (toothpaste, deodorant, shampoos, etc.)
PitCare Food Pantry
520 Broadway Boulevard, Pitcairn
Online donations:
Or, items may be dropped off Monday between 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. and Thursday between 10 a.m. & 12 p.m.
For more information, contact Heather Liumes 412-337-8266
Please call in case items or drop-off days/times have changed
Items needed as of this writing:
- Cereal
- Applesauce
- Pasta and sauce
- Toilet paper
- Canned fruit & vegetables
Everyone in PA May Now Vote by Mail
No Reasons are Necessary
Sign up to vote by mail for the November General Election Now!
The ballots will be available on September 14.
Published July 2020
2020 Nominating Committee Voting Results
Thank you to everyone who attended our annual congregational meeting! It was great seeing all of you on Zoom and getting a chance to touch base.
Here are the results of the vote for the congregational representatives for the 2020-21 Nominating Committee:
Randy Boswell
Bob Gordon
Barbara Holst
Gail Schmitt
Alternate: Deb Scheib
These congregants will be assisted by three representatives from the Board of Trustees, and they will be tasked with finding candidates for open board positions next year.
Thank you very much to all of them for helping with this important process!
Reena Goldberg,
President-Board of Trustees
Local Food Organizations Need Our Help
During this time of social distancing, there is much need for your help for those impacted by food insecurity:
NEW! – Meals for Friends
A local meals on wheels program serving Wilkins, Churchill, Forest Hills, and parts of Penn Hills, needs volunteer meal preparers and delivery drivers.
Please contact them at 412 824 2400 or
Cross Roads Presbyterian Church Food Pantry
2310 Haymaker Rd, Monroeville
Online Donations:
Garden City United Methodist Food Pantry
500 Laurel Dr, Monroeville
Items may be set at either set of doors of church
For more information, contact Pastor Scott Gallagher 724-255-7858
Please call in case items have changed
Items needed as of this writing:
- Mac & Cheese
- Spaghetti Sauce
- 1 lb. boxes of noodles
- White Rice
- Baking goods
- Snacks like granola bars, etc.
- Toilet Paper
- Personal supplies (toothpaste, deodorant, shampoos, etc.)
PitCare Food Pantry
520 Broadway Boulevard, Pitcairn
Online donations:
Or, items may be dropped off Monday between 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. and Thursday between 10 a.m. & 12 p.m.
For more information, contact Heather Liumes 412-337-8266
Please call in case items or drop-off days/times have changed
Items needed as of this writing:
- Cereal
- Applesauce
- Pasta and sauce
- Toilet paper
- Canned fruit & vegetables
Everyone in PA May Now Vote by Mail
No Reasons are Necessary
Sign up to vote by mail for the November General Election
The applications for mail-in and absentee ballots will be available on September 14:
Published June 2020
The Zoom link and the documents are available at:
You will be prompted to update your Zoom if you haven’t already done so
(The meeting documents were also sent by U.S. Mail)
Temple David has formed a committee to research and implement safe procedures for gradually reopening our building for in-person gatherings.
We will follow guidelines from the CDC and Pennsylvania state government as we develop our protocols. We do not yet have a timeframe for physical reopening until the risk of COVID 19 transmission has been lowered to safer levels.
In the meantime, we will continue to offer interactive online services and classes, as well as telephone outreach. We also plan to further develop our technological resources to provide you the best possible options to stay connected with your Temple community.
Please reach out to me anytime with questions and everyone stay safe!
Reena Goldberg,
President-Board of Trustees
The Caring Community continues to be very busy! We now have 17 callers, contacting our membership.
We are asking if you receive a recorded message from your caller, please return the phone call because we are all concerned for each congregant’s well-being.
We have now entered our third month of social distancing. It is not easy. Be safe! If you need help please call your Caring Community caller, or Kay Liss (724-910-8474), or Rabbi Symons (412-736-4335).
We hope to see you at the Annual Congregational Meeting on Zoom on Monday, June 1. We will begin to gather at 6 p.m. and the Meeting will commence at 6:30 pm.
Kay Liss,
Chair, Caring Community
Local Food Organizations Need Our Help

During this time of social distancing, there is much need for your help for those impacted by food insecurity:
Cross Roads Presbyterian Church Food Pantry
2310 Haymaker Rd, Monroeville
Online Donations:
Garden City United Methodist Food Pantry
500 Laurel Dr, Monroeville
Items may be set at either set of doors of church
For more information, contact Pastor Scott Gallagher 724-255-7858
Please call in case items have changed
Items needed as of this writing:
- Mac & Cheese
- Spaghetti Sauce
- 1 lb. boxes of noodles
- White Rice
- Baking goods
- Snacks like granola bars, etc.
- Toilet Paper
- Personal supplies (toothpaste, deodorant, shampoos, etc.)
PitCare Food Pantry
520 Broadway Boulevard, Pitcairn
Online donations:
Or, items may be dropped off Monday between 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. and Thursday between 10 a.m. & 12 p.m.
For more information, contact Heather Liumes 412-337-8266
Please call in case items or drop-off days/times have changed
Items needed as of this writing:
- Cereal
- Applesauce
- Pasta and sauce
- Toilet paper
- Canned fruit & vegetables
Everyone in PA May Now Vote by Mail
No Reasons are Necessary
It’s too late for the June 2 Primary, but you can sign up to vote by mail
for the November General Election
The applications for mail-in and absentee ballots are available here:
Published May 2020
Local Food Organizations Need Our Help

During this time of social distancing, there is much need for your help for those impacted by food insecurity:
Cross Roads Presbyterian Church Food Pantry
2310 Haymaker Rd, Monroeville
Online Donations:
Garden City United Methodist Food Pantry
500 Laurel Dr, Monroeville
Items may be set at either set of doors of church
For more information, contact Pastor Scott Gallagher 724-255-7858
Please call in case items have changed
Items needed as of this writing:
- Mac & Cheese
- Spaghetti Sauce
- 1 lb. boxes of noodles
- White Rice
- Baking goods
- Snacks like granola bars, etc.
- Toilet Paper
- Personal supplies (toothpaste, deodorant, shampoos, etc.)
PitCare Food Pantry
520 Broadway Boulevard, Pitcairn
Online donations:
Or, items may be dropped off Monday between 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. and Thursday between 10 a.m. & 12 p.m.
For more information, contact Heather Liumes 412-337-8266
Please call in case items or drop-off days/times have changed
Items needed as of this writing:
- Cereal
- Applesauce
- Pasta and sauce
- Toilet paper
- Canned fruit & vegetables
Monroeville (East Suburban) Meals on Wheels
Drivers are needed!
Contact Bob Seidelson 412-856-0311
Attention 2020 Graduates
Graduate listings will be included in the June issue of TD Now!.
Please provide as much of the requested information as possible in light of this year’s special circumstances
Please e-mail the following information to by Friday, May 8 (or call 412-965-2085):
If you are an adult graduate:
- Your Name
- School* graduated from including any honors
- Future school or employment plans
If you are the parent(s) of a graduate:
- Name of Student
- Name(s) of Member Parent(s)
- School* graduated from including any honors
- Future school or employment plans
If you are the grandparent(s) of a graduate:
- Name of Student
- Name(s) of Member Grandparent(s)
- Name(s) of Parent(s) [parents do not have to be TD members]
- School* graduated from including any honors
- Future school or employment plans
*High School, University, Technical School, Graduate/Professional School, etc.
Published April 2020
Jean Shuman Memorial Scholarship
Deadline is Thursday, April 2
Passover celebrates the Exodus from Egypt; the freedom from enslavement. Yet freedom is not enough since, unadulterated, it can mean chaos and disorder. Only months after crossing the parted Sea and attaining that longed-for freedom, the recent slaves stood at Mount Sinai and said “yes” to accepting God’s Torah–a covenant outlining a way to live a sacred life–and with it, a limitation on freedom.
During this season of the Omer, the period between Passover and Shavuot, as we move from freedom to covenant, we hope to hear the voices of congregants answering either one of two questions:
- What does it mean to be free?
- What does it mean to be a part of a covenanted people?
Thank you!
Rabbi Barbara AB Symons and Deb Scheib
Please send your response to: Deb Scheib at
Published March 2020
2020 NCAA March Madness
Basketball Fundraiser
Temple David will once again have a basketball fundraiser. The scores will be based on the 2020 NCAA “March Madness” Basketball Tournament. This is a random contest, so you don’t have to know anything about basketball or pick teams to participate.
Support the Temple by sending in your entries today. It will be a lot of fun and the proceeds will go towards reducing the Temple’s operating deficit. If you would like to be informed weekly of the contest results, include your e-mail with your entry.
Strict deadline: Monday, March 16
due to onset of the tournament
Click here for complete details and entry form
Temple David Now Accepts Credit Cards
We can accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express.
You can pay Donations, Your Temple Commitment, or any Special Event.
Your Temple Commitment can automatically be paid
monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually.
Just call Bev at the Temple Office (412-372-1200
to provide your information and what you want to charge.
Your information will be kept confidential.
This is a major benefit. Take advantage!
Inclement Weather and Shabbat Services
Recent adverse weather conditions have led to questions regarding our procedures for cancelation of Shabbat services and notification thereof:
- Our intention is to hold services if at all possible.
- If the weather looks suspect, we will send an e-mail blast early on Friday afternoon advising you to check the Temple’s answering machine at 412-372-1200 before you leave home for both the Friday night or Saturday morning service. (Weather can change overnight so please check in the morning even if conditions were fine in the evening.)
- We will not send e-mails on Shabbat except under extreme circumstances, nor do we expect you to look for e-mails from the Temple on Shabbat.
- Please use your own judgment for driving since road conditions can vary greatly in different communities.
Published February 2020
Updated Information for 2020-21
Participants are Still Needed
for the Purim Shpiel
Casting Call is Tuesday, February 4 at 7 p.m.
Please Click Here for more information
Tu BiSh’vat, the Birthday of the Trees, reminds us to take care of our earth.
Here are some easy things you can do:
- Plant a tree in Israel: Jewish National Fund
- Plant two trees in Israel!
- Research different organizations that protect the earth and its creatures and donate to one
- Buy organic produce
- Plan a spring clean-up day for your neighborhood
- Recycle more
- Turn off lights when they aren’t needed
- Fix leaking sinks and toilets
- Turn off the water when you aren’t using it
- Start planning for your own vegetable garden
You can also have a Tu BiSh’vat Seder.
Click HERE to learn how!
Torah and Haftarah Readers
Needed for Passover
If you would like to read Torah or Haftarah on the First Morning or Seventh Morning of Pesach please contact Bev at 412-372-1200 or
Rabbi Symons will contact those who respond when she returns from her sabbatical.
Temple David has Sensory Kits
Sensory kits (also known as Calm-Down Kits, Activity Bags, Busy Bags, Church Bags, etc.) are available at the ushers’ table for individuals and families who could benefit from additional support. Included are fidget type toys, stress balls, and earplugs.
The Friendship Circle together with the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh have donated these to area congregations. The goal is to help ensure a meaningful and welcoming synagogue experience for everyone.
The kits are for you to keep and bring back with you to Temple as needed.
Published January 2020
This year’s megillah reading on Monday evening, March 9, will include the world premiere of Shushan Confidential, an original Purim Shpiel in the form of a television talk show by Temple David’s song parodist extraordinaire Fred Bortz, including such songs as “Purim Shpiel Tonight” and “Do You Hear the Eunuchs Sing?”
Roles include talk show emcee Eubie the Eunuch, Vashti’s divorce attorney and Elvis-impersonator Al E. Mony, Haman’s twin sister and beauty contest last runner-up Hamana, and Bigthan and Teresh’s best friend Cass Stratti. We will also have commercial breaks by Shoshana Steinsaltz, owner of the Shushan Shoeshine Stand and Scepter Shop, and Harriet Hochhouser, head honcho of Harriet’s Homemade Hamantaschen.
If you are interested in being a member of the chorus or taking a role in the shpiel, send Fred an e-mail at
Lower Part of Northern Pike will be a Single Lane
January through May
If you live east of Temple David, please be aware that the PA Dept. of Transportation will be performing slope reconstruction on the lower part of Northern Pike between Valerie Circle and Abers Creek Road.
Per the Municipality of Monroeville: “Traffic on Northern Pike will be maintained during construction by using temporary signals to control alternating single lane traffic.“
Contact Debbie Haber or 412.421.7039
or register online at
Published January 2020
Questions? Please contact Stan Beck
Click to Download Order Form: