Donations to Temple David are a wonderful way to recognize a simcha, honor or memorialize family or friends or just to contribute to one of the Temple programs you wish to support. These contributions may be made in a number of ways at various levels. Simcha recognition includes B’nai Mitvah, Births, Weddings, Anniversaries, Confirmation, Graduations, Birthdays, or any joyous occasion. Honoring can be for specific achievements or for long-term accomplishments. Memorials are available in several forms. Most importantly, these funds are used for the operation and programming of the Temple including religious education, music, scholarships, building improvements, and helping those in need.
There are three categories of Temple giving:
- Special Funds
- Recognition Plaques
- Major Contributions
Special Funds
Special Funds contributions may be made for any reason or no reason at all. They are the restricted funds that have specific purposes and lend themselves to support of particular Temple activities. Minimum contributions are $7, but can be of any amount. Payment can be made using the PayPal button using a credit card or a PayPal account. If you prefer to pay by check, please use this form and mail it to Temple David. If the contribution recognizes a special event, an acknowledgement card is sent to the person or persons designated by the donor. Please click Special Funds for a list of all the Special Funds and the purpose of each one.
Fund Cards are an easy way to recognize an achievement, a birthday, an anniversary, a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, a marriage, a birth or a memorial. Simply send in a check to the Temple with directions as to which Fund you wish to contribute, the occasion for the contribution, and the name and address of whom you wish to receive a Fund Card announcing the contribution.
Temple members may establish an Individual Fund Bank with an initial contribution of at least $60. Once a Fund Bank is established, the member can just call the Temple and authorize specific donations using their Fund Bank balance. Participation in the Fund Bank allows for a minimum contribution of $6. When the balance in the Fund Bank is low, the Fund Bank administrator will notify the participant so that they can replenish their Fund Bank. Again please click Special Funds for a list of all the Special Funds and the purpose of each one.
Recognition Plaques
There are eight different Recognition Plaques that can be purchased. These include Pavers, Simcha Tree, Sanctuary Chairs, Memorial, Donation Recognition Board, and Jason Z. Edelstein Bricks. It is also possible to purchase Library or Mishkan Tfilah bookplates. The Simcha Tree is restricted to simchas. For a list of donations required for each of these plaques, please click Recognition Plaques.
Major Contributions
Major contributions include the naming of specific areas or programs of the Temple or the establishment of an endowed fund. An endowed fund may be created in honor or memory of an individual or family and may be for a specific purpose agreed upon by the donor and the Temple Board of Trustees. The minimum contribution required to establish an endowment is $20,000.
It is also possible to name various places within Temple David. These naming opportunities include the classrooms, the conference room, the entrance halls to the Sanctuary and Weiger Religious School, the kitchen, and Sanctuary itself. A list of minimum contributions for these named opportunities has been established and is available through the Temple Financial Committee.
Major contributions may be by direct monetary contribution paid immediately or over a number of years. They may also be made by the donation of appreciated stock, transfers from IRA’s, or as part of a planned giving program. Named donations must be unrestricted and are placed in an endowment, the income of which is used to sustain the long term operations of the Temple.
Wish List
Please look over our Wish List. This list has been been compiled by the Temple David Board of Trustees to consist of items that we would like to purchase, or improvements that we would like to have around the Temple.
Please look over our list and see if you would be interesting in donating to any of the items that are on the list.The Wish List can be seen by clicking on the Wish List at the left side of this page.